Pre-clinical Research: is a level of research that begins before clinical trials can begin, and during which important feasibility, constant testing and drug safety data are collected. The aim of a preclinical study is to collect data in support of the safety of the new treatment. Preclinical studies are required before clinical trials in humans can be started.
“The poor translatability of early-stage preclinical models is a major setback in oncology drug development. Immortalized cell lines, that are extensively used in drug screens, undergo...
Microphysiological systems (MPS), also known as organ-on-chips, are small scale in vitro cell cultures which mimic facets of tissue or organ level function. MPS frequently utilise primary hu...
In Andalman et al, 2018, we explored the activity of over 10,000 neurons across more than 15 regions imaged simultaneously in larval zebrafish in a novel behavioral challenge paradigm. Compl...
Striatal neuromodulation through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulates complex voluntary motor actions, involving decision-making, learning, and action selection. The dorsal striatum...
The study of biological function in intact organisms and the development of targeted cellular therapeutics necessitate methods to image and control cellular function in vivo. Technologies su...
I describe a framework for improving the targeting and precision of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a noninvasive brain stimulation technique used for research and clinical applicat...
Brain machine interfaces or neural prosthetics have the potential to restore movement to people with paralysis or amputation, bridging gaps in the nervous system with an artificial device. M...
Normal behavior in any moving animal, including humans, relies on communication between motor systems that control movements, and the sensory systems we use to guide these actions. A critica...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
The OrganoPlate is a microtiterplate based Organ-on-a-Chip platform for high throughput drug safety and efficacy screening. It contains up to 96 cell culture chambers that allow co-culture o...
The use of primary cells in vitro is compromised by the limited quantity of cells that can be isolated from one donor, a lack of or very restricted proliferation capacity (e.g. hepatocytes)...
Accurate DNA replication is essential to transmit the genetic information from one generation to another. However, replication is frequently challenged by barriers that originate from exogen...
Misfolded and accumulated neurodegenerative disease associated proteins (NDAPs, such as tau and alpha-synuclein) represent the major pathological hallmark in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson&...
The liver plays a critical role in the metabolism and clearance of more than 70% of marketed drugs. Furthermore, toxicity to the liver is a major reason for preclinical and clinical drug fai...
With an increasing push to improve safety, efficacy, and efficiency throughout the drug development pipeline, researchers are evermore looking to improve the predictive capacity of their in...
DATE: December 17, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Purpose: Liver x receptors (LXRs) are hypothesized to serve as a link between lipid metabolism and inflammation by prom...
DATE: December 11, 2019 TIME: 8:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm GMT The Zimmerwald Laser and Astrometric Telescope (ZIMLAT) is the most versatile instrument of the Swiss Optical Ground Stati...
DATE: December 5, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Characterization of the spatial distribution and abundance of proteins and mRNAs with morphological context within tissues e...
DATE: December 4, 2019 TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Targeted protein degradation is a novel chemical modality centered on using pharmacological agents to immediately and select...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: November 21, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Multiple Myeloma is a disease of terminally differentiated plasma cells with the massive production of monoclonal immunoglobu...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
The Laboratory Stewardship Committee of the Cleveland Clinic is a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, pathologists, administrators, nurses and other caregivers. The team has a commitment t...
Part 1: Sustainable health and laboratory medicine; Presented by Professor Damien GrusonSummary: PendingPart 2: Let’s talk about errors in point of care testing in mobile health...
“The poor translatability of early-stage preclinical models is a major setback in oncology drug development. Immortalized cell lines, that are extensively used in drug screens, undergo...
Microphysiological systems (MPS), also known as organ-on-chips, are small scale in vitro cell cultures which mimic facets of tissue or organ level function. MPS frequently utilise primary hu...
In Andalman et al, 2018, we explored the activity of over 10,000 neurons across more than 15 regions imaged simultaneously in larval zebrafish in a novel behavioral challenge paradigm. Compl...
Striatal neuromodulation through G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) regulates complex voluntary motor actions, involving decision-making, learning, and action selection. The dorsal striatum...
The study of biological function in intact organisms and the development of targeted cellular therapeutics necessitate methods to image and control cellular function in vivo. Technologies su...
I describe a framework for improving the targeting and precision of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a noninvasive brain stimulation technique used for research and clinical applicat...
Brain machine interfaces or neural prosthetics have the potential to restore movement to people with paralysis or amputation, bridging gaps in the nervous system with an artificial device. M...
Normal behavior in any moving animal, including humans, relies on communication between motor systems that control movements, and the sensory systems we use to guide these actions. A critica...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
The OrganoPlate is a microtiterplate based Organ-on-a-Chip platform for high throughput drug safety and efficacy screening. It contains up to 96 cell culture chambers that allow co-culture o...
The use of primary cells in vitro is compromised by the limited quantity of cells that can be isolated from one donor, a lack of or very restricted proliferation capacity (e.g. hepatocytes)...
Accurate DNA replication is essential to transmit the genetic information from one generation to another. However, replication is frequently challenged by barriers that originate from exogen...
Misfolded and accumulated neurodegenerative disease associated proteins (NDAPs, such as tau and alpha-synuclein) represent the major pathological hallmark in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson&...
The liver plays a critical role in the metabolism and clearance of more than 70% of marketed drugs. Furthermore, toxicity to the liver is a major reason for preclinical and clinical drug fai...
With an increasing push to improve safety, efficacy, and efficiency throughout the drug development pipeline, researchers are evermore looking to improve the predictive capacity of their in...
DATE: December 17, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Purpose: Liver x receptors (LXRs) are hypothesized to serve as a link between lipid metabolism and inflammation by prom...
DATE: December 11, 2019 TIME: 8:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm GMT The Zimmerwald Laser and Astrometric Telescope (ZIMLAT) is the most versatile instrument of the Swiss Optical Ground Stati...
DATE: December 5, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Characterization of the spatial distribution and abundance of proteins and mRNAs with morphological context within tissues e...
DATE: December 4, 2019 TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Targeted protein degradation is a novel chemical modality centered on using pharmacological agents to immediately and select...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: November 21, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Multiple Myeloma is a disease of terminally differentiated plasma cells with the massive production of monoclonal immunoglobu...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
The Laboratory Stewardship Committee of the Cleveland Clinic is a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, pathologists, administrators, nurses and other caregivers. The team has a commitment t...
Part 1: Sustainable health and laboratory medicine; Presented by Professor Damien GrusonSummary: PendingPart 2: Let’s talk about errors in point of care testing in mobile health...