Proteins: are essential nutrients for the human body. They are one of the building blocks of body tissue and can also serve as a fuel source. As a fuel, proteins provide as much energy density as carbohydrates: 4 kcal per gram; in contrast, lipids provide 9 kcal per gram.
Learning Objectives: 1. Molecular basis of microhaplotypes 2. Informativeness and power of discrimination of microhaplotypes 3. Mixture deconvolution via microhaplotypes...
In late 2019, nearly a decade into a life sentence, Lydell Grant was released from a Texas prison after being convicted of a murder that he did not commit. The victim, Aaron Scheerhorn, was...
The current standard methodology in forensic DNA typing relies on amplification of short tandem repeat (STR) markers by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and allele sizes (i.e., length-bas...
The ever-increasing number of deaths along the U.S.-México border and the diversification in the demographic characteristics of the Latin American migrants, who perish in this region,...
The necrobiome is the community of organisms that use or are affected by decomposing organic matter. Decomposing organic matter comes in the form of dead plant matter (biomass) or that of de...
Background and aim: Worldwide malaria cases have declined. However, despite recent advances, resistance to front line drugs and insecticides means the burden remains high (219 million cases...
In order to emit less contaminants into the environment, and at the same time produce healthier foods that are free of those contaminants, all production systems should be investigated, i.e....
DATE: April 28, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET The Baculovirus Expression Vector System is a versatile platform for expression of individual recombinant proteins, membrane proteins, virus-...
DATE: April 24, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET Single-cell analysis of cell suspensions is increasingly important in studies of infectious diseases, cancer and autoimmune disorders, given...
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
Complex genomes, including the human genome, contain ‘dark’ regions that standard short-read sequencing technologies do not adequately resolve—overlooking many variants tha...
In recent years Nanotherapeutics has revolutionized the healthcare strategies and envisioned to have a tremendous impact to offer better health facilities. It involves design, fabrication, r...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive disease that accounts for 10-20% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed annually in the U.S.1. Despite its prevalence, TNBC remains resist...
Careful and deliberate packaging of the genome is essential to ensuring correct and timely transcriptional programs. Chromatin conformation capture (3C and Hi-C) is a powerful approach for c...
Modern biomedical research is being driven by large scale genetic and proteomic research to identify new targets for the study of disease mechanisms. While these techniques have been incredi...
Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) emerged to characterize gene expression differences between individual cells, allowing a higher resolution look at mRNA abundance than bulk RNA- seq. H...
Since the introduction of single cell sequencing techniques to the genomics community, interest in its use has grown exponentially and the number of single cell publications has exploded. Th...
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
DATE: April 16, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET There is an increasing need to evaluate and understand unique phenotypes and mechanisms of action within the tumor microenvironment. Existing...
DATE: April 15, 2020 TIME: 4:00pm CEST, 07:00am PT, 010:00am ET The assessment of cell health and cellular responses after experimental manipulation continue to be a very important aspect of...
DATE: April 14, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT Besides being Gibco Cell Culture Heroes, what do Vivek, Sandra, Daisy, Ameet and Kristine all have in common? They are all stuck at home fo...
Learning Objectives: 1. Molecular basis of microhaplotypes 2. Informativeness and power of discrimination of microhaplotypes 3. Mixture deconvolution via microhaplotypes...
In late 2019, nearly a decade into a life sentence, Lydell Grant was released from a Texas prison after being convicted of a murder that he did not commit. The victim, Aaron Scheerhorn, was...
The current standard methodology in forensic DNA typing relies on amplification of short tandem repeat (STR) markers by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and allele sizes (i.e., length-bas...
The ever-increasing number of deaths along the U.S.-México border and the diversification in the demographic characteristics of the Latin American migrants, who perish in this region,...
The necrobiome is the community of organisms that use or are affected by decomposing organic matter. Decomposing organic matter comes in the form of dead plant matter (biomass) or that of de...
Background and aim: Worldwide malaria cases have declined. However, despite recent advances, resistance to front line drugs and insecticides means the burden remains high (219 million cases...
In order to emit less contaminants into the environment, and at the same time produce healthier foods that are free of those contaminants, all production systems should be investigated, i.e....
DATE: April 28, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET The Baculovirus Expression Vector System is a versatile platform for expression of individual recombinant proteins, membrane proteins, virus-...
DATE: April 24, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET Single-cell analysis of cell suspensions is increasingly important in studies of infectious diseases, cancer and autoimmune disorders, given...
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
Complex genomes, including the human genome, contain ‘dark’ regions that standard short-read sequencing technologies do not adequately resolve—overlooking many variants tha...
In recent years Nanotherapeutics has revolutionized the healthcare strategies and envisioned to have a tremendous impact to offer better health facilities. It involves design, fabrication, r...
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive disease that accounts for 10-20% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed annually in the U.S.1. Despite its prevalence, TNBC remains resist...
Careful and deliberate packaging of the genome is essential to ensuring correct and timely transcriptional programs. Chromatin conformation capture (3C and Hi-C) is a powerful approach for c...
Modern biomedical research is being driven by large scale genetic and proteomic research to identify new targets for the study of disease mechanisms. While these techniques have been incredi...
Single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) emerged to characterize gene expression differences between individual cells, allowing a higher resolution look at mRNA abundance than bulk RNA- seq. H...
Since the introduction of single cell sequencing techniques to the genomics community, interest in its use has grown exponentially and the number of single cell publications has exploded. Th...
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
DATE: April 16, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET There is an increasing need to evaluate and understand unique phenotypes and mechanisms of action within the tumor microenvironment. Existing...
DATE: April 15, 2020 TIME: 4:00pm CEST, 07:00am PT, 010:00am ET The assessment of cell health and cellular responses after experimental manipulation continue to be a very important aspect of...
DATE: April 14, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT Besides being Gibco Cell Culture Heroes, what do Vivek, Sandra, Daisy, Ameet and Kristine all have in common? They are all stuck at home fo...