Reproducibility refers to obtaining the same results from the conduct of a study. It refers to independent researchers arriving at the same results using their own data and methods. Reproducibility is also the ability to be repeated/copied.
Suspension by day, imaging by night: how to efficiently manage your system and optimize utilization Presented By: Jared K. Burks, PhD Mass cytometry, be it suspension or imaging, opens the d...
Many experimental approaches rely on controlling gene expression in select subsets of cells within an individual animal. However, reproducibly targeting transgene expression to specific frac...
Many experimental approaches rely on controlling gene expression in select subsets of cells within an individual animal. However, reproducibly targeting transgene expression to specific frac...
In this webinar we provide a detailed review of available methods for measuring cell proliferation, with a particular focus on recent assay innovations, including both 2D and 3D formats. Thi...
NGS is still perceived as a complex, hard to implement and validate method that requires highly experienced people. Outsourcing next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing could be an option to...
Veterinary drugs are commonly used chemicals to improve the growth and health outcomes of farm animals raised for human consumption. However, improper use of vet-drugs in animal farming can...
Confocal microscopes (and related instruments such as Two-Photon) are often used for the most rigorous quantitative fluorescence microscopy measurements. Most confocal users are aware of the...
NGS is still perceived as a complex, hard to implement and validate method that requires highly experienced people. Outsourcing next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing could be an option to...
NGS is still perceived as a complex, hard to implement and validate method that requires highly experienced people. Outsourcing next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing could be an option to...
Background: The NMI applies miniaturized multiplex immunoassays for more than two decades. At the NMI commercially available multiplex immunoassays are applied for sample screening as well a...
Purpose: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a Gram positive coccus which is part of the normal microbiota of the GI and GU tracts. However GBS is also a major cause of septicaemia and meningitis...
Background and aim: Immune response must be measured in highly controlled conditions for reproducibility. Furthermore, whereas the cellular response plays a major role, only antibody product...
Mechanistic understanding of neural systems is daunting to achieve in large part due to the heterogeneity of the neuronal elements in both form and function and the complexity of the circuit...
Miltenyi Biotec offers a variety of neuroscience and immunology workflows that cover all steps from sample preparation and cell isolation to cell culture and flow cytometry. Discover the bre...
Whether you are performing killing assays, characterizing the tumor microenvironment, or investigating immunogenicity, primary cells are essential for the discovery of new therapeutics. Conc...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
Open Science has changed research by making data accessible and shareable, contributing to replicability to accelerate and disseminate knowledge. However, for rodent cognitive studies the av...
DATE: December 11, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST An important part of the biopharma industry, Plasmid DNA is used as a gene-delivery vehicle for DNA vaccination and as a key...
DATE: December 5, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Characterization of the spatial distribution and abundance of proteins and mRNAs with morphological context within tissues e...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
DATE: October 30, 2019 TIME: 10:00am PDTNew to T cell applications or just want a refresher on best practices? Miltenyi Biotec offers a large range of T cell culture products to optimiz...
DATE: October 29, 2019TIME: 7:00am PDT3D cell culture systems have recently emerged as tools for reproducing the cellular environment and the organization of tissues/organs, where cel...
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are a clinically important and life-saving class of biotherapeutics used in the treatment of several previously intractable diseases. However, their developm...
Suspension by day, imaging by night: how to efficiently manage your system and optimize utilization Presented By: Jared K. Burks, PhD Mass cytometry, be it suspension or imaging, opens the d...
Many experimental approaches rely on controlling gene expression in select subsets of cells within an individual animal. However, reproducibly targeting transgene expression to specific frac...
Many experimental approaches rely on controlling gene expression in select subsets of cells within an individual animal. However, reproducibly targeting transgene expression to specific frac...
In this webinar we provide a detailed review of available methods for measuring cell proliferation, with a particular focus on recent assay innovations, including both 2D and 3D formats. Thi...
NGS is still perceived as a complex, hard to implement and validate method that requires highly experienced people. Outsourcing next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing could be an option to...
Veterinary drugs are commonly used chemicals to improve the growth and health outcomes of farm animals raised for human consumption. However, improper use of vet-drugs in animal farming can...
Confocal microscopes (and related instruments such as Two-Photon) are often used for the most rigorous quantitative fluorescence microscopy measurements. Most confocal users are aware of the...
NGS is still perceived as a complex, hard to implement and validate method that requires highly experienced people. Outsourcing next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing could be an option to...
NGS is still perceived as a complex, hard to implement and validate method that requires highly experienced people. Outsourcing next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing could be an option to...
Background: The NMI applies miniaturized multiplex immunoassays for more than two decades. At the NMI commercially available multiplex immunoassays are applied for sample screening as well a...
Purpose: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a Gram positive coccus which is part of the normal microbiota of the GI and GU tracts. However GBS is also a major cause of septicaemia and meningitis...
Background and aim: Immune response must be measured in highly controlled conditions for reproducibility. Furthermore, whereas the cellular response plays a major role, only antibody product...
Mechanistic understanding of neural systems is daunting to achieve in large part due to the heterogeneity of the neuronal elements in both form and function and the complexity of the circuit...
Miltenyi Biotec offers a variety of neuroscience and immunology workflows that cover all steps from sample preparation and cell isolation to cell culture and flow cytometry. Discover the bre...
Whether you are performing killing assays, characterizing the tumor microenvironment, or investigating immunogenicity, primary cells are essential for the discovery of new therapeutics. Conc...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
Open Science has changed research by making data accessible and shareable, contributing to replicability to accelerate and disseminate knowledge. However, for rodent cognitive studies the av...
DATE: December 11, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST An important part of the biopharma industry, Plasmid DNA is used as a gene-delivery vehicle for DNA vaccination and as a key...
DATE: December 5, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Characterization of the spatial distribution and abundance of proteins and mRNAs with morphological context within tissues e...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
DATE: October 30, 2019 TIME: 10:00am PDTNew to T cell applications or just want a refresher on best practices? Miltenyi Biotec offers a large range of T cell culture products to optimiz...
DATE: October 29, 2019TIME: 7:00am PDT3D cell culture systems have recently emerged as tools for reproducing the cellular environment and the organization of tissues/organs, where cel...
Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies are a clinically important and life-saving class of biotherapeutics used in the treatment of several previously intractable diseases. However, their developm...