Clathrin mediated endocytosis (CME) at pre-synaptic terminals is functionally coupled to neuro-transmitter release. Like other cytosolic proteins, clathrin is synthesized in cell-bodies and c...
CRISPR Cas9 nucleases have revolutionized gene editing enabling unprecedented efficiency of targeted mutagenesis. Even with such powerful technology at hand, sophisticated projects, su...
Since its initial description more than 70 years ago, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been diagnosed more frequently in boys. However, we remain unsure of why males are affected in greater...
Is sensory awareness facilitated by activity in only sensory cortices? For several decades, this has been the dominant viewpoint among many prominent voices in both neuroscience and philosoph...
Biomedical research depends on the use of model systems to explore basic biology, probe disease mechanisms, and conduct drug discovery and development. However, results from such systems are...
Most neuropsychiatric diseases involve multifactorial systems characterized by complex interactions among genetic predisposition/resiliency, environmental/social determinants, molecular seque...
The cerebellum is incorporated into the distributed neural circuits subserving motor control, cognitive processing and the modulation of emotion. This lecture provides an overview of anatomic...
Psychiatric diagnosis is inherently difficult, due to the lack of clear biomarkers or any other objective assessment. Although quantitative, the psychometric scales employed during the psychi...
Complex animal behavior is produced by dynamic interactions between discrete regions of the brain. As such, defining functional connections between brain regions is critical in gaining a full...
98% of small molecules and 100% of large molecules do not cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Biologics, including therapeutic antibodies (e.g. anti-amyloid antibodies), have been at the for...
The use of pluripotent stem cells is dramatically altering the R&D landscape, providing new insights into both the basic biology of disease progression and novel cell types for pharmaceut...
Traditional high throughput screening (HTS) assays for neuronal targets employ non-human primary neuronal cells due to the scale necessary for HTS. Isolation of mouse primary neurons can be u...
You talked. We listened. Your input paired with our experience has led to the engineering of a liquid handling platform that enables you to get the trusted, reliable results you need from you...
Diseases like cancer have complex tissue morphology requiring microscopic examination. Typically this involves 2D examination through a microscope by a pathologist, a slow and manual pr...
Open Targets is a public-private partnership made up of four global leading institutions in the fields of pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics and genomics, GSK, EMBL-EBI, the Wellcome Trust Sange...
Carlos Olguin will talk about LogicInk's ongoing efforts around electronics-free temporary tattoo-like devices. These devices transform in shape or color to convey useful information abou...
The nature of work in the clinical core lab has changed over the years from beakers of liquids, specimens and compounds on countertops to sophisticated equipment with prepackaged reagents and...
Come hear Tecan’s experts discuss how two of their most innovative platforms can empower your lab, every day. The D300e allows rapid delivery of any volume to any well on your ben...
The commercialization of micro and nanofluidic devices has had promise for providing novel solutions to deliver high throughput, more efficient, integrated biological and chemical analysis to...
The Instrumentation Group at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) is unusual in having an engineering group and extensive prototyping facilities embedded in a biomedical...
Drug development is a costly and time consuming process, poor translation of data from pre-clinical studies to the clinic is a major contributor as late-stage drug failure is very expensive....
A hardware architecture was developed specifically to facilitate collaborative development and dissemination of microfluidic experiments. Modular pressure regulators, incubators, and chip-to-...
R&D in life science, material science, and chemistry is burdened by fragmented and unstructured data (“spreadsheet hell”), and ambiguous or unrecorded methodological data. Thi...
Those that fund and publish scientific data are actively proposing or requiring strategies to improve research conduct in the hopes of improving research outcomes and scientific deliverables....
Clathrin mediated endocytosis (CME) at pre-synaptic terminals is functionally coupled to neuro-transmitter release. Like other cytosolic proteins, clathrin is synthesized in cell-bodies and c...
CRISPR Cas9 nucleases have revolutionized gene editing enabling unprecedented efficiency of targeted mutagenesis. Even with such powerful technology at hand, sophisticated projects, su...
Since its initial description more than 70 years ago, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been diagnosed more frequently in boys. However, we remain unsure of why males are affected in greater...
Is sensory awareness facilitated by activity in only sensory cortices? For several decades, this has been the dominant viewpoint among many prominent voices in both neuroscience and philosoph...
Biomedical research depends on the use of model systems to explore basic biology, probe disease mechanisms, and conduct drug discovery and development. However, results from such systems are...
Most neuropsychiatric diseases involve multifactorial systems characterized by complex interactions among genetic predisposition/resiliency, environmental/social determinants, molecular seque...
The cerebellum is incorporated into the distributed neural circuits subserving motor control, cognitive processing and the modulation of emotion. This lecture provides an overview of anatomic...
Psychiatric diagnosis is inherently difficult, due to the lack of clear biomarkers or any other objective assessment. Although quantitative, the psychometric scales employed during the psychi...
Complex animal behavior is produced by dynamic interactions between discrete regions of the brain. As such, defining functional connections between brain regions is critical in gaining a full...
98% of small molecules and 100% of large molecules do not cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Biologics, including therapeutic antibodies (e.g. anti-amyloid antibodies), have been at the for...
The use of pluripotent stem cells is dramatically altering the R&D landscape, providing new insights into both the basic biology of disease progression and novel cell types for pharmaceut...
Traditional high throughput screening (HTS) assays for neuronal targets employ non-human primary neuronal cells due to the scale necessary for HTS. Isolation of mouse primary neurons can be u...
You talked. We listened. Your input paired with our experience has led to the engineering of a liquid handling platform that enables you to get the trusted, reliable results you need from you...
Diseases like cancer have complex tissue morphology requiring microscopic examination. Typically this involves 2D examination through a microscope by a pathologist, a slow and manual pr...
Open Targets is a public-private partnership made up of four global leading institutions in the fields of pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics and genomics, GSK, EMBL-EBI, the Wellcome Trust Sange...
Carlos Olguin will talk about LogicInk's ongoing efforts around electronics-free temporary tattoo-like devices. These devices transform in shape or color to convey useful information abou...
The nature of work in the clinical core lab has changed over the years from beakers of liquids, specimens and compounds on countertops to sophisticated equipment with prepackaged reagents and...
Come hear Tecan’s experts discuss how two of their most innovative platforms can empower your lab, every day. The D300e allows rapid delivery of any volume to any well on your ben...
The commercialization of micro and nanofluidic devices has had promise for providing novel solutions to deliver high throughput, more efficient, integrated biological and chemical analysis to...
The Instrumentation Group at the BC Cancer Agency’s Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) is unusual in having an engineering group and extensive prototyping facilities embedded in a biomedical...
Drug development is a costly and time consuming process, poor translation of data from pre-clinical studies to the clinic is a major contributor as late-stage drug failure is very expensive....
A hardware architecture was developed specifically to facilitate collaborative development and dissemination of microfluidic experiments. Modular pressure regulators, incubators, and chip-to-...
R&D in life science, material science, and chemistry is burdened by fragmented and unstructured data (“spreadsheet hell”), and ambiguous or unrecorded methodological data. Thi...
Those that fund and publish scientific data are actively proposing or requiring strategies to improve research conduct in the hopes of improving research outcomes and scientific deliverables....