Learning objectives:1. Metagenomic analysis is already complex, and complicated further by incomplete and non-standardized databases of known organisms2. Fungi may have their own 'mic...
Traditional pathogen detection methods rely on the identification of pathogens known to be associated with a particular syndrome. In many cases, it involves complex methodology, lengthy proce...
MVRSION is a bench and informatic system which employs simultaneous weighted analysis eight of nine 16S hyper variable regions. We use Fluidigm Juno to amplify and index the these regions in...
DATE: September 10, 2019TIME: 8:00am PTNext generation sequencing of the immune repertoire allows detailed, sequence-specific insight into the immune system’s adaptive response...
DATE: August 20, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDTDo you work with heat sensitive or volatile samples that require you to reduce sample volume through evaporation or sublimation? Are you unsure of...
DATE: August 14, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT. 12:00pm ET Implementation of Lean Methodology in Biobanking Operations to standardize sample management processes is effective. Each proce...
DATE: July 24, 2019TIMEL 8:00am PT Mass cytometry (CyTOF®) is a powerful approach to characterize the immune composition of complex biological specimens and gain insights in...
DATE: June 26, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT An excessive number of software solutions are available to help manage your clinical, biobank, or biorepository sample inform...
The long term goal of our collaborative effort is to bring precision medicine to the practice of veterinary oncology, using the wealth of genomic data gathered in human cancers as a roadmap....
In this presentation, Dr. Kothari will provide an overview of the Precision Medicine Initiative from NIH and how NGS technologies have helped the researchers to look deep inside the human tra...
Inherited disorders affect millions of people globally. These diseases significantly impact lives of patients and their families, and in addition, also results in substantial socio-economic i...
Virtually all tumors are genetically heterogeneous, containing subclonal populations of cells that are defined by distinct mutations. Subclones can have unique phenotypes that influence disea...
DATE: June 19, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT Approximately 80% of all cancers are known to be affected by both somatic mutations and copy number changes. Furthermore, r...
DATE: June 18, 2019TIME: 08:00am PDTAnalytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) is one of the most powerful biophysical tools used today for the characterization of biological samples ranging...
DATE: June 12, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDTDoes your work require you to freeze dry samples? Are your results inconsistent? Is your freeze dry cycle taking too long? Learn how to optimize you...
Tissues in the body are wonderfully organized, with specific arrangements of cells, extracellular matrix, secreted molecules, and fluid flow that synergize that create emergent functions. How...
With growing standards of patient care, clinical testing laboratory across the world are forced to change the way they manage their laboratory operations. More focus is now given to automatio...
DATE: May 22, 2019TIME: 08:00am PDTOmics analysis offers the potential to obtain deep insight into biological processes as well as a rich source of potential biomarkers. While the consu...
Screening to identify all known viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, fungus and parasites in human tumor tissues will provide a more comprehensive understanding of...
Next-generation transcriptome and miRNome sequencing are routinely performed on traditional cell or tissue samples, as well as more difficult samples such as FFPE samples and biofluids. Regar...
Genetic drivers of cancer can be dysregulated through epigenetic modifications of DNA. Although the critical role of DNA 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in the regulation of transcription is recognize...
DATE: May 8, 2019TIME: 12:00am PDT In 2017 the first national cervical screening programs using human papillomavirus (HPV-based) primary screening were implemented. As these progr...
DATE: April 30, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDTIumour-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) are of increasing interest as a resource of diagnostic biomarkers. However, most EV assays require large...
Point-of-care testing (POCT) is diagnostic testing at the time and place of patient care in a physician’s office, an ambulance, a mobile clinic, at home or in hospital. Rapid POC testi...
Learning objectives:1. Metagenomic analysis is already complex, and complicated further by incomplete and non-standardized databases of known organisms2. Fungi may have their own 'mic...
Traditional pathogen detection methods rely on the identification of pathogens known to be associated with a particular syndrome. In many cases, it involves complex methodology, lengthy proce...
MVRSION is a bench and informatic system which employs simultaneous weighted analysis eight of nine 16S hyper variable regions. We use Fluidigm Juno to amplify and index the these regions in...
DATE: September 10, 2019TIME: 8:00am PTNext generation sequencing of the immune repertoire allows detailed, sequence-specific insight into the immune system’s adaptive response...
DATE: August 20, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDTDo you work with heat sensitive or volatile samples that require you to reduce sample volume through evaporation or sublimation? Are you unsure of...
DATE: August 14, 2019TIME: 9:00am PT. 12:00pm ET Implementation of Lean Methodology in Biobanking Operations to standardize sample management processes is effective. Each proce...
DATE: July 24, 2019TIMEL 8:00am PT Mass cytometry (CyTOF®) is a powerful approach to characterize the immune composition of complex biological specimens and gain insights in...
DATE: June 26, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT An excessive number of software solutions are available to help manage your clinical, biobank, or biorepository sample inform...
The long term goal of our collaborative effort is to bring precision medicine to the practice of veterinary oncology, using the wealth of genomic data gathered in human cancers as a roadmap....
In this presentation, Dr. Kothari will provide an overview of the Precision Medicine Initiative from NIH and how NGS technologies have helped the researchers to look deep inside the human tra...
Inherited disorders affect millions of people globally. These diseases significantly impact lives of patients and their families, and in addition, also results in substantial socio-economic i...
Virtually all tumors are genetically heterogeneous, containing subclonal populations of cells that are defined by distinct mutations. Subclones can have unique phenotypes that influence disea...
DATE: June 19, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDT, 11:00am EDT Approximately 80% of all cancers are known to be affected by both somatic mutations and copy number changes. Furthermore, r...
DATE: June 18, 2019TIME: 08:00am PDTAnalytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) is one of the most powerful biophysical tools used today for the characterization of biological samples ranging...
DATE: June 12, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDTDoes your work require you to freeze dry samples? Are your results inconsistent? Is your freeze dry cycle taking too long? Learn how to optimize you...
Tissues in the body are wonderfully organized, with specific arrangements of cells, extracellular matrix, secreted molecules, and fluid flow that synergize that create emergent functions. How...
With growing standards of patient care, clinical testing laboratory across the world are forced to change the way they manage their laboratory operations. More focus is now given to automatio...
DATE: May 22, 2019TIME: 08:00am PDTOmics analysis offers the potential to obtain deep insight into biological processes as well as a rich source of potential biomarkers. While the consu...
Screening to identify all known viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, fungus and parasites in human tumor tissues will provide a more comprehensive understanding of...
Next-generation transcriptome and miRNome sequencing are routinely performed on traditional cell or tissue samples, as well as more difficult samples such as FFPE samples and biofluids. Regar...
Genetic drivers of cancer can be dysregulated through epigenetic modifications of DNA. Although the critical role of DNA 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in the regulation of transcription is recognize...
DATE: May 8, 2019TIME: 12:00am PDT In 2017 the first national cervical screening programs using human papillomavirus (HPV-based) primary screening were implemented. As these progr...
DATE: April 30, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDTIumour-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) are of increasing interest as a resource of diagnostic biomarkers. However, most EV assays require large...
Point-of-care testing (POCT) is diagnostic testing at the time and place of patient care in a physician’s office, an ambulance, a mobile clinic, at home or in hospital. Rapid POC testi...
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