Solid phase microextraction (SPME) is a versatile, non-exhaustive sample preparation tool that has been demonstrated to be well-suited for facile and effective analysis of a broad range of co...
In the postgenomic era, one expects the suite of chemical players in a brain region to be known and their functions uncovered. Perhaps surprisingly, many neurochemicals remain poorly characte...
A fast, reliable and low cost characterization of materials/ products as fed to a process, and/or resulting from different processing actions, represents one of the most challenging targets i...
DATE: October 23, 2018TIME: 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT Next-generation genomic sequencing is transforming what is known about pediatric cancer and how we treat patients. But eve...
RNA sequencing unlocks the mysteries hidden in the transcriptome. Whether your goal is gene expression analysis, gene fusion analysis, SNP analysis or miRNA expression analysis, achieving hig...
Molecular analyses of cancer biology have tended to segregate between a focus on nucleic acids – DNA, RNA and their modifications – and a focus on proteins and protein function. P...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is the measurement institute of the U.S., supplying unbiased expertise in measurements and standards to support growth in all sector...
Holotomography (HT) uses laser interferometry to measure 3-D refractive index (RI) distribution. HT serves as a powerful tool for imaging small transparent objects, such as biological cells a...
To address the need for rapid and sensitive quantitation of miRNA and protein biomarkers from biological samples, we have developed the FirePlex® Technology Platform. Utilizing patented F...
Protein sample evaluation is an important step in many protein workflows. The NanoDrop One microvolume spectrophotometer supports protein sample quantification with multiple preconfigured app...
Early detection of protein biomarkers is critical to the study of human diseases, yet current tools available for low-level protein quantitation do not address all the needs for protein and m...
Protein quantitation assays are essential for workflows that include protein extraction, labeling, and analysis. The simplest method for protein quantitation is measuring the absorbance of a...
Western blotting is an important technique for characterizing specific protein targets. Successful western detection is dependent on the quality of protein transfer from polyacrylamide gels t...
While chemiluminescence has been the traditional approach to western blot detection, this strategy is being progressively supplemented or replaced with fluorescence-based detection. With the...
To achieve clear and accurate resolution of protein bands in protein gel electrophoresis, it is important to use the appropriate sample preparation conditions and to choose the right gel chem...
Affinity purification, immunoprecipitation, and mass spectrometry analysis are essential tools used in proteomic studies. A successful outcome is facilitated by high-capacity supports, effici...
Lateral flow assays (LFAs) are rapid, sensitive, and easy-to-use immunoassays for detecting specific target proteins in vitro. Although the LFA format is extremely popular in point-of-care di...
Proteomics offers a deeper understanding of the protein events influencing cellular and biological function. However, identifying key regulated proteins and their implicated signaling pathway...
Current methods for in vitro diagnosis of autoimmune diseases (ADs) are mainly based on the detection of circulating autoantibodies using specific AD autoantigens. A high-quality recombinant...
This two-part webinar will focus on novel techniques for obtaining unbiased results in 16S rRNA gene sequencing of challenging microbiome samples. Part 1 will feature QIAGEN’s solutions...
The Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research (CMMR) at Baylor College of Medicine is pursuing numerous research and development efforts in the study of how the microbiome impacts...
In the US, the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System has been using WGS of Salmonella as a tool of routine surveillance since 2013. To date, NARMS has generated MIC and WGS data...
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has long been recognized as an important source of genetic diversity. In the clinical setting, HGT plays an important role in the spread of antibiotic resistanc...
Whole genome sequencing of bacterial isolates via next-generation sequencing is becoming a standard approach for clinical microbiology and bio-surveillance labs seeking to conduct outbreak in...
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) is a versatile, non-exhaustive sample preparation tool that has been demonstrated to be well-suited for facile and effective analysis of a broad range of co...
In the postgenomic era, one expects the suite of chemical players in a brain region to be known and their functions uncovered. Perhaps surprisingly, many neurochemicals remain poorly characte...
A fast, reliable and low cost characterization of materials/ products as fed to a process, and/or resulting from different processing actions, represents one of the most challenging targets i...
DATE: October 23, 2018TIME: 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT Next-generation genomic sequencing is transforming what is known about pediatric cancer and how we treat patients. But eve...
RNA sequencing unlocks the mysteries hidden in the transcriptome. Whether your goal is gene expression analysis, gene fusion analysis, SNP analysis or miRNA expression analysis, achieving hig...
Molecular analyses of cancer biology have tended to segregate between a focus on nucleic acids – DNA, RNA and their modifications – and a focus on proteins and protein function. P...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is the measurement institute of the U.S., supplying unbiased expertise in measurements and standards to support growth in all sector...
Holotomography (HT) uses laser interferometry to measure 3-D refractive index (RI) distribution. HT serves as a powerful tool for imaging small transparent objects, such as biological cells a...
To address the need for rapid and sensitive quantitation of miRNA and protein biomarkers from biological samples, we have developed the FirePlex® Technology Platform. Utilizing patented F...
Protein sample evaluation is an important step in many protein workflows. The NanoDrop One microvolume spectrophotometer supports protein sample quantification with multiple preconfigured app...
Early detection of protein biomarkers is critical to the study of human diseases, yet current tools available for low-level protein quantitation do not address all the needs for protein and m...
Protein quantitation assays are essential for workflows that include protein extraction, labeling, and analysis. The simplest method for protein quantitation is measuring the absorbance of a...
Western blotting is an important technique for characterizing specific protein targets. Successful western detection is dependent on the quality of protein transfer from polyacrylamide gels t...
While chemiluminescence has been the traditional approach to western blot detection, this strategy is being progressively supplemented or replaced with fluorescence-based detection. With the...
To achieve clear and accurate resolution of protein bands in protein gel electrophoresis, it is important to use the appropriate sample preparation conditions and to choose the right gel chem...
Affinity purification, immunoprecipitation, and mass spectrometry analysis are essential tools used in proteomic studies. A successful outcome is facilitated by high-capacity supports, effici...
Lateral flow assays (LFAs) are rapid, sensitive, and easy-to-use immunoassays for detecting specific target proteins in vitro. Although the LFA format is extremely popular in point-of-care di...
Proteomics offers a deeper understanding of the protein events influencing cellular and biological function. However, identifying key regulated proteins and their implicated signaling pathway...
Current methods for in vitro diagnosis of autoimmune diseases (ADs) are mainly based on the detection of circulating autoantibodies using specific AD autoantigens. A high-quality recombinant...
This two-part webinar will focus on novel techniques for obtaining unbiased results in 16S rRNA gene sequencing of challenging microbiome samples. Part 1 will feature QIAGEN’s solutions...
The Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research (CMMR) at Baylor College of Medicine is pursuing numerous research and development efforts in the study of how the microbiome impacts...
In the US, the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System has been using WGS of Salmonella as a tool of routine surveillance since 2013. To date, NARMS has generated MIC and WGS data...
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has long been recognized as an important source of genetic diversity. In the clinical setting, HGT plays an important role in the spread of antibiotic resistanc...
Whole genome sequencing of bacterial isolates via next-generation sequencing is becoming a standard approach for clinical microbiology and bio-surveillance labs seeking to conduct outbreak in...
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