An infectious disease can be defined as an illness due to a pathogen or its toxic product, which arises through transmission from an infected person, an infected animal, or a contaminated inanimate object to a susceptible host. There are several scientific practices in place to identify and/or treat an infectious disease.
DATE: February 27, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET Healthcare is no longer defined by treating patients during acute care episodes only. Healthcare is now defined by treating the person hol...
Fecal elastase-1 – a biomarker for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency(EPI) continues to gain traction as an ideal biomarker for assessing EPI. This presentation will include a review of...
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the exposure response relationships with vancomycin and acute kidney injury 2. Define biomarkers that may be useful to improve Precision Dosing...
The dopamine D4 receptor (D4R) is enriched in the prefrontal cortex where it plays important roles in cognition, attention, decision making and executive function. Novel D4R-selective ligand...
DATE: December 17, 2019 TIME: 2:00pm SGT From WHO 2017 Hepatitis report, an estimated 290 million (89%) of the 325 million people living with viral hepatitis B and C are unaware that they ar...
DATE: December 12, 2019TIME: 11:00am PST Primary immunodeficiency disorders continue to have delayed diagnoses and are commonly under diagnosed. Differentiating betw...
DATE: December 5, 2019TIME: 5:00am PST, 8:00am EST The diagnosis of an active infection by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) relies on testing for the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). Ov...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: December 3, 2019 TIME: 11:00am PST This talk will cover Candida auris infection, colonization, and spread through health care systems from a clinical case perspective. We will discuss...
FECHA: 25 Noviembre 2019 TIEMPO: 12:00PM UTC-5, 9:00AM PST Hoy en día, los analizadores de hematología pueden recopilar grandes cantidades de datos acerca de las caracter&...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
The Laboratory Stewardship Committee of the Cleveland Clinic is a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, pathologists, administrators, nurses and other caregivers. The team has a commitment t...
Part 1: Sustainable health and laboratory medicine; Presented by Professor Damien GrusonSummary: PendingPart 2: Let’s talk about errors in point of care testing in mobile health...
Thyroid autoimmunity (TAI) tends to be more common in women consulting for fertility problems. However, any underlying causal mechanism connecting TAI to fertility aspects is yet to be establ...
Breast cancer is the most frequently occurring form of cancer in women. While 5-year survival rates for localized disease approach 99%, cases of advanced breast cancer have a much poorer pro...
Thyroid function tests play a central role to assess thyroid function and are valuable companions for clinicians. The evolution of the tests is permanent and clinical laboratories are key pla...
Random drug testing is used as a preventive and detection tool for drug or alcohol use, and medication compliance in the monitoring of regulatory and treatment compliance monitoring. Urine sc...
Applying machine learning methods to structured, expert-curated content from scientific literature is a powerful way to discover latent knowledge. Building on the QIAGEN Knowledge Base, we us...
Central to the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus is the measurement of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Major studies have defined the therapeutic targets of HbA1c in order...
70,237 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2017 and opioids were involved in 47,600 of those deaths (67.8%).1 Ohio had the second highest rate of opioid overdose deaths in t...
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), one of the most common forms of progressive muscular dystrophies and is often conventionally diagnosed by Southern blot analysis. The accurate d...
Burn patients are at risk for organ dysfunction secondary to “burn shock” and sepsis. The initial 24 hours following major burn injury presents with significant hypotension due to...
DATE: February 27, 2020 TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET Healthcare is no longer defined by treating patients during acute care episodes only. Healthcare is now defined by treating the person hol...
Fecal elastase-1 – a biomarker for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency(EPI) continues to gain traction as an ideal biomarker for assessing EPI. This presentation will include a review of...
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the exposure response relationships with vancomycin and acute kidney injury 2. Define biomarkers that may be useful to improve Precision Dosing...
The dopamine D4 receptor (D4R) is enriched in the prefrontal cortex where it plays important roles in cognition, attention, decision making and executive function. Novel D4R-selective ligand...
DATE: December 17, 2019 TIME: 2:00pm SGT From WHO 2017 Hepatitis report, an estimated 290 million (89%) of the 325 million people living with viral hepatitis B and C are unaware that they ar...
DATE: December 12, 2019TIME: 11:00am PST Primary immunodeficiency disorders continue to have delayed diagnoses and are commonly under diagnosed. Differentiating betw...
DATE: December 5, 2019TIME: 5:00am PST, 8:00am EST The diagnosis of an active infection by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) relies on testing for the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg). Ov...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: December 3, 2019 TIME: 11:00am PST This talk will cover Candida auris infection, colonization, and spread through health care systems from a clinical case perspective. We will discuss...
FECHA: 25 Noviembre 2019 TIEMPO: 12:00PM UTC-5, 9:00AM PST Hoy en día, los analizadores de hematología pueden recopilar grandes cantidades de datos acerca de las caracter&...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
The Laboratory Stewardship Committee of the Cleveland Clinic is a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, pathologists, administrators, nurses and other caregivers. The team has a commitment t...
Part 1: Sustainable health and laboratory medicine; Presented by Professor Damien GrusonSummary: PendingPart 2: Let’s talk about errors in point of care testing in mobile health...
Thyroid autoimmunity (TAI) tends to be more common in women consulting for fertility problems. However, any underlying causal mechanism connecting TAI to fertility aspects is yet to be establ...
Breast cancer is the most frequently occurring form of cancer in women. While 5-year survival rates for localized disease approach 99%, cases of advanced breast cancer have a much poorer pro...
Thyroid function tests play a central role to assess thyroid function and are valuable companions for clinicians. The evolution of the tests is permanent and clinical laboratories are key pla...
Random drug testing is used as a preventive and detection tool for drug or alcohol use, and medication compliance in the monitoring of regulatory and treatment compliance monitoring. Urine sc...
Applying machine learning methods to structured, expert-curated content from scientific literature is a powerful way to discover latent knowledge. Building on the QIAGEN Knowledge Base, we us...
Central to the diagnosis and management of patients with diabetes mellitus is the measurement of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). Major studies have defined the therapeutic targets of HbA1c in order...
70,237 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2017 and opioids were involved in 47,600 of those deaths (67.8%).1 Ohio had the second highest rate of opioid overdose deaths in t...
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), one of the most common forms of progressive muscular dystrophies and is often conventionally diagnosed by Southern blot analysis. The accurate d...
Burn patients are at risk for organ dysfunction secondary to “burn shock” and sepsis. The initial 24 hours following major burn injury presents with significant hypotension due to...