Stem cell disease modeling is technology that uses cell culture and imaging techniques to develop new therapeutic approaches to treat disease. An example of stem cell disease models include induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
For many decades, cell lines have been cultured in standard CO2 incubators at “normal” atmospheric oxygen concentrations of about 21%. But oxygen concentrations in the human or an...
The development of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing platform enables the rapid generation of new genetically modified stem cell models of human diseases, as well as providing new potential therap...
Disease-specific human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represent a new chance to unravel cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases. Along this line, we were among the first to...
EVENT DETAILS: DATE: June 13, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ETThermo Fisher Scientific is proud to present the SyncD3 webinar series. As a thought-leader in...
The emergence of technology for development of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from somatic cells, such as skin and blood cells, has resulted in the ability of researchers to have limi...
DATE: June 7, 2017TIME: 9:00AM PDT, 12:00PM EDTPluripotent stem cells (PSCs) offer an unlimited source of human cardiovascular cells for research and the development of cardiac regenera...
DATE: May 17, 2017TIME: 10:30am PT, 1:30pm ETNeurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and primary rodent neurons both are excellent resources for disease modeling and d...
EVENT DETAILS:DATE: May 16, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, Noon ETThermo Fisher Scientific is proud to present the SyncD3 webinar series. As a thought-leader in science our first commit...
DATE: May 9th, 2017TIME: 7:00AM PDT, 10:00AM ET, 2:00PM GMT Early detection and elimination of new chemical entities with cardiac or hERG liability could substantially improve...
Developing therapies for human diseases continues to face obstacles, particularly in translating targets or compounds identified by in vitro screening campaigns to valid targets or efficaciou...
Neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and primary rodent neurons both are excellent resources for disease modeling and drug screening. Human PSCs derived neural stem...
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
The use of pluripotent stem cell-derived cell types for disease modeling, drug screening and regenerative medicine is an exciting area of activity in health research. Prior to the availabilit...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 10:30am PT, 1:30pm ETThe cat remains an important comparative species for studying the long-term safety and efficacy of emergent medical modalities, such as...
DATE: December 14, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
A major hurdle in developing relevant disease models for drug discovery is access to the healthy and diseased tissue of interest; induc...
Inherited retinal degenerative disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa are characterized by death of the light sensing photoreceptive neurons of the outer retina. Like the rest of the CNS, the...
The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from adult easily accessible somatic tissues was introduced ten years ago. This technology has revolutionized our opportunities to stu...
Culture systems for pluripotent stem cell (PSC) expansion enable generation of a nearly unlimited pool of cells for downstream differentiation, disease modeling, drug discovery, and therapeut...
DATE: November 10, 2016
TIME: 9:00am PT, Noon ET
The CellSimple™ Cell Analyzer enables quick and easy research assays, including functional cell-based assays, cell-model...
Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patient cells have emerged as complementary tools to study human neurological disorders. Neurxstem Inc has generated human iPSC-derived synth...
Cell Sciences Innovation, Merck Research Laboratories, 2015 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ USA
In vitro translational models play a critical role in the drug discovery process because t...
Virus Ecology is a field that is gaining momentum, fueled in part by metagenomic studies from many environments previously ignored. Biodiversity studies of plant viruses show that they...
Despite FDA-approved vaccines and antivirals, seasonal and pandemic influenza remains a serious threat associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. The present modalities and va...
For many decades, cell lines have been cultured in standard CO2 incubators at “normal” atmospheric oxygen concentrations of about 21%. But oxygen concentrations in the human or an...
The development of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing platform enables the rapid generation of new genetically modified stem cell models of human diseases, as well as providing new potential therap...
Disease-specific human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) represent a new chance to unravel cellular and molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases. Along this line, we were among the first to...
EVENT DETAILS: DATE: June 13, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ETThermo Fisher Scientific is proud to present the SyncD3 webinar series. As a thought-leader in...
The emergence of technology for development of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from somatic cells, such as skin and blood cells, has resulted in the ability of researchers to have limi...
DATE: June 7, 2017TIME: 9:00AM PDT, 12:00PM EDTPluripotent stem cells (PSCs) offer an unlimited source of human cardiovascular cells for research and the development of cardiac regenera...
DATE: May 17, 2017TIME: 10:30am PT, 1:30pm ETNeurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and primary rodent neurons both are excellent resources for disease modeling and d...
EVENT DETAILS:DATE: May 16, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, Noon ETThermo Fisher Scientific is proud to present the SyncD3 webinar series. As a thought-leader in science our first commit...
DATE: May 9th, 2017TIME: 7:00AM PDT, 10:00AM ET, 2:00PM GMT Early detection and elimination of new chemical entities with cardiac or hERG liability could substantially improve...
Developing therapies for human diseases continues to face obstacles, particularly in translating targets or compounds identified by in vitro screening campaigns to valid targets or efficaciou...
Neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and primary rodent neurons both are excellent resources for disease modeling and drug screening. Human PSCs derived neural stem...
Despite vast investment for decades in cancer research and development, cancer is still among the leading causes of death worldwide and its toll is expected to rise by about 70% over the next...
The use of pluripotent stem cell-derived cell types for disease modeling, drug screening and regenerative medicine is an exciting area of activity in health research. Prior to the availabilit...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 10:30am PT, 1:30pm ETThe cat remains an important comparative species for studying the long-term safety and efficacy of emergent medical modalities, such as...
DATE: December 14, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
A major hurdle in developing relevant disease models for drug discovery is access to the healthy and diseased tissue of interest; induc...
Inherited retinal degenerative disorders such as retinitis pigmentosa are characterized by death of the light sensing photoreceptive neurons of the outer retina. Like the rest of the CNS, the...
The generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from adult easily accessible somatic tissues was introduced ten years ago. This technology has revolutionized our opportunities to stu...
Culture systems for pluripotent stem cell (PSC) expansion enable generation of a nearly unlimited pool of cells for downstream differentiation, disease modeling, drug discovery, and therapeut...
DATE: November 10, 2016
TIME: 9:00am PT, Noon ET
The CellSimple™ Cell Analyzer enables quick and easy research assays, including functional cell-based assays, cell-model...
Induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patient cells have emerged as complementary tools to study human neurological disorders. Neurxstem Inc has generated human iPSC-derived synth...
Cell Sciences Innovation, Merck Research Laboratories, 2015 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ USA
In vitro translational models play a critical role in the drug discovery process because t...
Virus Ecology is a field that is gaining momentum, fueled in part by metagenomic studies from many environments previously ignored. Biodiversity studies of plant viruses show that they...
Despite FDA-approved vaccines and antivirals, seasonal and pandemic influenza remains a serious threat associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. The present modalities and va...
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