Stem cell technologies are a rapidly developing field that combines the efforts of cell biologists, geneticists, and clinicians and offers hope of effective treatment for a variety of malignant and non-malignant diseases.
QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench is a powerful solution to analyze and visualize next generation sequencing (NGS) data. Powered by cutting-edge technology and accelerated algorithms, it support...
CRISPR revolutionized gene editing, but multi-target screening remains a complex goal. In addition, the fast pace of CRISPR technology development has brought sophisticated options for libra...
Recent advances in DNA sequencing and omics-based capabilities are revealing incredible therapeutic opportunities and quickly transforming drug discovery. Molecularly targeted drugs aim to e...
Learn about how to generate a small scale CAR-T workflow using ThermoFisher products See detailed characterization tools that can be utilized and applied in a CAR-T workflow...
The liver plays a critical role in the metabolism and clearance of more than 70% of marketed drugs. Furthermore, toxicity to the liver is a major reason for preclinical and clinical drug fai...
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the exposure response relationships with vancomycin and acute kidney injury 2. Define biomarkers that may be useful to improve Precision Dosing...
Microphysiological systems (MPS), also known as organ-on-chips, are small scale in vitro cell cultures which mimic facets of tissue or organ level function. MPS frequently utilise primary hu...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
The OrganoPlate is a microtiterplate based Organ-on-a-Chip platform for high throughput drug safety and efficacy screening. It contains up to 96 cell culture chambers that allow co-culture o...
The use of primary cells in vitro is compromised by the limited quantity of cells that can be isolated from one donor, a lack of or very restricted proliferation capacity (e.g. hepatocytes)...
Accurate DNA replication is essential to transmit the genetic information from one generation to another. However, replication is frequently challenged by barriers that originate from exogen...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common form of chronic liver disease in developed countries, and it affects over 25% of the population worldwide. Within the next five y...
Biomarkers are critical tools for all stages of cancer research, from drug development through clinical applications. Cancer is fundamentally a disease of unregulated cell growth and circumv...
Misfolded and accumulated neurodegenerative disease associated proteins (NDAPs, such as tau and alpha-synuclein) represent the major pathological hallmark in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson&...
“The poor translatability of early-stage preclinical models is a major setback in oncology drug development. Immortalized cell lines, that are extensively used in drug screens, undergo...
With an increasing push to improve safety, efficacy, and efficiency throughout the drug development pipeline, researchers are evermore looking to improve the predictive capacity of their in...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
DATE: November 7, 2019TIME: 10:00am PST, 1:00pm EST Studying the pathogenesis of diabetes requires detailed analysis of the pancreatic islet microenvironment and its numerous c...
DATE: October 31, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT INTRODUCTION: A major limitation for the development of 3D engineered tissues is the absence of viable and perfusable...
Blockade of CTLA-4 and PD-1, members of the B7/CD28 family, have proven to be the most successful cancer immunotherapies to date. While the current therapeutic focus remains on B7/CD28 family...
Over the last decade, the policy and regulatory trajectory of genomic and reproductive technologies has been a checkered one. Approaches around the world range from constitutional and crimina...
QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench is a powerful solution to analyze and visualize next generation sequencing (NGS) data. Powered by cutting-edge technology and accelerated algorithms, it support...
CRISPR revolutionized gene editing, but multi-target screening remains a complex goal. In addition, the fast pace of CRISPR technology development has brought sophisticated options for libra...
Recent advances in DNA sequencing and omics-based capabilities are revealing incredible therapeutic opportunities and quickly transforming drug discovery. Molecularly targeted drugs aim to e...
Learn about how to generate a small scale CAR-T workflow using ThermoFisher products See detailed characterization tools that can be utilized and applied in a CAR-T workflow...
The liver plays a critical role in the metabolism and clearance of more than 70% of marketed drugs. Furthermore, toxicity to the liver is a major reason for preclinical and clinical drug fai...
Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the exposure response relationships with vancomycin and acute kidney injury 2. Define biomarkers that may be useful to improve Precision Dosing...
Microphysiological systems (MPS), also known as organ-on-chips, are small scale in vitro cell cultures which mimic facets of tissue or organ level function. MPS frequently utilise primary hu...
The aim of the lecture is to give an insight into the use of 3D liver micro tissues (3D liMTs) in drug discovery and translational safety. In translational toxicology, 3D LiMTs have a high i...
The OrganoPlate is a microtiterplate based Organ-on-a-Chip platform for high throughput drug safety and efficacy screening. It contains up to 96 cell culture chambers that allow co-culture o...
The use of primary cells in vitro is compromised by the limited quantity of cells that can be isolated from one donor, a lack of or very restricted proliferation capacity (e.g. hepatocytes)...
Accurate DNA replication is essential to transmit the genetic information from one generation to another. However, replication is frequently challenged by barriers that originate from exogen...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common form of chronic liver disease in developed countries, and it affects over 25% of the population worldwide. Within the next five y...
Biomarkers are critical tools for all stages of cancer research, from drug development through clinical applications. Cancer is fundamentally a disease of unregulated cell growth and circumv...
Misfolded and accumulated neurodegenerative disease associated proteins (NDAPs, such as tau and alpha-synuclein) represent the major pathological hallmark in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson&...
“The poor translatability of early-stage preclinical models is a major setback in oncology drug development. Immortalized cell lines, that are extensively used in drug screens, undergo...
With an increasing push to improve safety, efficacy, and efficiency throughout the drug development pipeline, researchers are evermore looking to improve the predictive capacity of their in...
DATE: December 4, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 10:00am EST, 4:00pm CET Do you know how it feels when you just quickly want to redo an experiment that your colleague did, or an experim...
DATE: November 18, 2019TIME: 7:00am PST, 11:00am EST, 4:00pm CEWT How often do you pipette in your cell culture lab every day? Usually, we do it so often that we tend stop th...
DATE: November 7, 2019TIME: 10:00am PST, 1:00pm EST Studying the pathogenesis of diabetes requires detailed analysis of the pancreatic islet microenvironment and its numerous c...
DATE: October 31, 2019TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT INTRODUCTION: A major limitation for the development of 3D engineered tissues is the absence of viable and perfusable...
Blockade of CTLA-4 and PD-1, members of the B7/CD28 family, have proven to be the most successful cancer immunotherapies to date. While the current therapeutic focus remains on B7/CD28 family...
Over the last decade, the policy and regulatory trajectory of genomic and reproductive technologies has been a checkered one. Approaches around the world range from constitutional and crimina...