Structural biology is a branch of molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics concerned with the molecular structure of biological macromolecules, how they acquire the structures they have, and how alterations in their structures affect their function.
ME/CFS is a debilitating disease with a controversial history and multiple names. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended renaming the disease “Systemic Exertion Intoleranc...
Our speaker, Wenjie Xu, Ph.D., will present his publication data demonstrating how nCounter® technology can advance your infectious disease research faster and more accurately with unprec...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
Healthcare associated infections can be a consequence of a microbiome alteration. Increasingly, treatment and prevention strategies focus on manipulating host microbiota, the two most common...
Community acquired pneumonia affects over 5 million Americans and 6 million Europeans annually. Typically 5-10% will be admitted to hospital. It is a condition that more often affects the eld...
The field of infectious disease diagnostics is ever changing with both newly identified infections such as SARS, Ebola, and Zika virus as well as yearly epidemics and potential for pandemic w...
The human body is populated with trillions of microorganisms, collectively termed the human microbiome, that play vital roles in health including nutrition and metabolism, immune development,...
In an era of healthcare reform and evidenced-based medicine, it is important to use the most clinically relevant and cost effective methods in all aspects of microbiology. This session will c...
Despite FDA-approved vaccines and antivirals, seasonal and pandemic influenza remains a serious threat associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. The present modalities and va...
The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with...
Oxford Nanopore’s MinION is a small sensing device which can sequence DNA and RNA directly, without the need to perform an enzymatic synthesis reaction. The device is portable and is po...
Network models are an invaluable tool for integrating multiple data types and for modeling interactions between biological elements. One common question that arises, however, is what to do wi...
New approaches to generate high-quality representations of human genomes and transcriptomes are now becoming available. In contrast to short-read “Whole-Genome” re-sequencing meth...
LRRK2 is a large (2,527 amino acids) multi-domain protein consisting of 7 putative domains, including a Ras-like GTPase domain called ‘Ras of complex proteins’ (Roc) followed by a...
Detection of mutational alterations is important for guiding treatment decisions of lung non-small cell carcinomas and thyroid nodules with atypical cytologic findings. Inoperable lung tumors...
Maturing neural circuits are dramatically shaped by the environment, but this timing varies across brain regions and plasticity declines with age. Focusing on cellular/molecular mechanisms un...
DATE: November 24, 2015TIME: 9am EST, 2pm GMTFor many years now, gels have been a fundamental research tool in academic research for the separation and analysis of nucleic acids and pro...
A fundamental aspect of the thermodynamic characterization of macromolecular complexes is the determination of the component stoichiometry. There are a number of approaches that may be employ...
Structure-based drug discovery requires expert designers, aided by software that integrates 3D structure visualization and molecular editing with multivariate experimentaland calculated prope...
Recent evidence demonstrating the importance of structural complexity in advancing compounds to the clinic points to the need for enhancing small molecule screening collections with sp3-rich ...
One of the challenges in sustaining innovation in computational molecular design is the need to harness and deliver promising solutions irrespective of their source, without creating new soft...
DATE: September 15, 2015TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11:00AM ETSkin Cell Motility: Integrins Lead the WayYou will learn about efforts to dissect mechanisms that underlie the directed migration of epiderm...
ME/CFS is a debilitating disease with a controversial history and multiple names. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended renaming the disease “Systemic Exertion Intoleranc...
Our speaker, Wenjie Xu, Ph.D., will present his publication data demonstrating how nCounter® technology can advance your infectious disease research faster and more accurately with unprec...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
Healthcare associated infections can be a consequence of a microbiome alteration. Increasingly, treatment and prevention strategies focus on manipulating host microbiota, the two most common...
Community acquired pneumonia affects over 5 million Americans and 6 million Europeans annually. Typically 5-10% will be admitted to hospital. It is a condition that more often affects the eld...
The field of infectious disease diagnostics is ever changing with both newly identified infections such as SARS, Ebola, and Zika virus as well as yearly epidemics and potential for pandemic w...
The human body is populated with trillions of microorganisms, collectively termed the human microbiome, that play vital roles in health including nutrition and metabolism, immune development,...
In an era of healthcare reform and evidenced-based medicine, it is important to use the most clinically relevant and cost effective methods in all aspects of microbiology. This session will c...
Despite FDA-approved vaccines and antivirals, seasonal and pandemic influenza remains a serious threat associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. The present modalities and va...
The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with...
Oxford Nanopore’s MinION is a small sensing device which can sequence DNA and RNA directly, without the need to perform an enzymatic synthesis reaction. The device is portable and is po...
Network models are an invaluable tool for integrating multiple data types and for modeling interactions between biological elements. One common question that arises, however, is what to do wi...
New approaches to generate high-quality representations of human genomes and transcriptomes are now becoming available. In contrast to short-read “Whole-Genome” re-sequencing meth...
LRRK2 is a large (2,527 amino acids) multi-domain protein consisting of 7 putative domains, including a Ras-like GTPase domain called ‘Ras of complex proteins’ (Roc) followed by a...
Detection of mutational alterations is important for guiding treatment decisions of lung non-small cell carcinomas and thyroid nodules with atypical cytologic findings. Inoperable lung tumors...
Maturing neural circuits are dramatically shaped by the environment, but this timing varies across brain regions and plasticity declines with age. Focusing on cellular/molecular mechanisms un...
DATE: November 24, 2015TIME: 9am EST, 2pm GMTFor many years now, gels have been a fundamental research tool in academic research for the separation and analysis of nucleic acids and pro...
A fundamental aspect of the thermodynamic characterization of macromolecular complexes is the determination of the component stoichiometry. There are a number of approaches that may be employ...
Structure-based drug discovery requires expert designers, aided by software that integrates 3D structure visualization and molecular editing with multivariate experimentaland calculated prope...
Recent evidence demonstrating the importance of structural complexity in advancing compounds to the clinic points to the need for enhancing small molecule screening collections with sp3-rich ...
One of the challenges in sustaining innovation in computational molecular design is the need to harness and deliver promising solutions irrespective of their source, without creating new soft...
DATE: September 15, 2015TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11:00AM ETSkin Cell Motility: Integrins Lead the WayYou will learn about efforts to dissect mechanisms that underlie the directed migration of epiderm...