Recent advances in DNA sequencing have now made it possible to characterize genomes, transcriptomes and even methylomes which is transforming both basic research and clinical practice. Whole...
DATE: February 9, 2017TIME: 3:00pm PT, 6:00pm ETThe presentation will very briefly cover the regulatory system for lab animals in China, as well as the regulations and guidelines a...
DATE: December 14, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
A major hurdle in developing relevant disease models for drug discovery is access to the healthy and diseased tissue of interest; induc...
Bulk analysis often leads to conclusions that assume averages reflect the dominant biological mechanism operating within an entire population. To fully understand how cellular heterogeneity c...
There have been significant increases in emergency room visits across the US and delays in the ED leads to poor outcomes. There is an association between waiting times and short term mo...
Liquid chromatography high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF-MS) is becoming increasingly popular in the clinical research laboratory. It can offer higher throughput and sup...
IQCP represents a new approach to quality control for clinical laboratories. Beginning in 2016 clinical laboratories were tasked with developing individualized quality control plans for...
With increasing emphasis on effective pain management in clinical care, there has been a significant increase in the number of opioid prescriptions in the past decade. While these drugs...
Chronic pain is a major problem in most countries. Specialized pain management physicians often see and treat patients with chronic pain, and one type of therapy that may be prescribed is an...
The immune system possesses significant cytotoxic potential. Stimulating natural immunity through vaccination has shown promising effects in some cancers; however, a number of barriers limit...
DATE: October 5, 2016
TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET
Sepsis, a host-mediated response to a systemic infection, is a leading cause of mortality worldwide (1). Early recognit...
DATE: September 20th, 2016TIME: 7:00AM PST, 10:00AM ETThere is a growing trend towards developing in vitro cell models that recapitulate the in vivo environment in basic research,...
Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) are becoming a bigger and bigger concern throughout the world. Antibiotic resistance forms and spreads faster than pharmaceutical companies have been ab...
This presentation will be demonstrating several different approaches to explore the diversity, function, and ecology of microbial communities. In Metagenomics, the sequencing of DNA dir...
Virus Ecology is a field that is gaining momentum, fueled in part by metagenomic studies from many environments previously ignored. Biodiversity studies of plant viruses show that they...
The global trend towards industrialization and urbanization has led to ever more people living and working indoors. Some studies estimate that humans in industrialized countries spend as much...
ME/CFS is a debilitating disease with a controversial history and multiple names. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended renaming the disease “Systemic Exertion Intoleranc...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
Our speaker, Wenjie Xu, Ph.D., will present his publication data demonstrating how nCounter® technology can advance your infectious disease research faster and more accurately with unprec...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
Healthcare associated infections can be a consequence of a microbiome alteration. Increasingly, treatment and prevention strategies focus on manipulating host microbiota, the two most common...
Community acquired pneumonia affects over 5 million Americans and 6 million Europeans annually. Typically 5-10% will be admitted to hospital. It is a condition that more often affects the eld...
The field of infectious disease diagnostics is ever changing with both newly identified infections such as SARS, Ebola, and Zika virus as well as yearly epidemics and potential for pandemic w...
Recent advances in DNA sequencing have now made it possible to characterize genomes, transcriptomes and even methylomes which is transforming both basic research and clinical practice. Whole...
DATE: February 9, 2017TIME: 3:00pm PT, 6:00pm ETThe presentation will very briefly cover the regulatory system for lab animals in China, as well as the regulations and guidelines a...
DATE: December 14, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
A major hurdle in developing relevant disease models for drug discovery is access to the healthy and diseased tissue of interest; induc...
Bulk analysis often leads to conclusions that assume averages reflect the dominant biological mechanism operating within an entire population. To fully understand how cellular heterogeneity c...
There have been significant increases in emergency room visits across the US and delays in the ED leads to poor outcomes. There is an association between waiting times and short term mo...
Liquid chromatography high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-TOF-MS) is becoming increasingly popular in the clinical research laboratory. It can offer higher throughput and sup...
IQCP represents a new approach to quality control for clinical laboratories. Beginning in 2016 clinical laboratories were tasked with developing individualized quality control plans for...
With increasing emphasis on effective pain management in clinical care, there has been a significant increase in the number of opioid prescriptions in the past decade. While these drugs...
Chronic pain is a major problem in most countries. Specialized pain management physicians often see and treat patients with chronic pain, and one type of therapy that may be prescribed is an...
The immune system possesses significant cytotoxic potential. Stimulating natural immunity through vaccination has shown promising effects in some cancers; however, a number of barriers limit...
DATE: October 5, 2016
TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ET
Sepsis, a host-mediated response to a systemic infection, is a leading cause of mortality worldwide (1). Early recognit...
DATE: September 20th, 2016TIME: 7:00AM PST, 10:00AM ETThere is a growing trend towards developing in vitro cell models that recapitulate the in vivo environment in basic research,...
Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) are becoming a bigger and bigger concern throughout the world. Antibiotic resistance forms and spreads faster than pharmaceutical companies have been ab...
This presentation will be demonstrating several different approaches to explore the diversity, function, and ecology of microbial communities. In Metagenomics, the sequencing of DNA dir...
Virus Ecology is a field that is gaining momentum, fueled in part by metagenomic studies from many environments previously ignored. Biodiversity studies of plant viruses show that they...
The global trend towards industrialization and urbanization has led to ever more people living and working indoors. Some studies estimate that humans in industrialized countries spend as much...
ME/CFS is a debilitating disease with a controversial history and multiple names. The Institute of Medicine recently recommended renaming the disease “Systemic Exertion Intoleranc...
The Infectious Diseases Pathology Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) routinely receives autopsy and biopsy tissues for diagnostic evaluation. These tissues are typ...
Our speaker, Wenjie Xu, Ph.D., will present his publication data demonstrating how nCounter® technology can advance your infectious disease research faster and more accurately with unprec...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
Healthcare associated infections can be a consequence of a microbiome alteration. Increasingly, treatment and prevention strategies focus on manipulating host microbiota, the two most common...
Community acquired pneumonia affects over 5 million Americans and 6 million Europeans annually. Typically 5-10% will be admitted to hospital. It is a condition that more often affects the eld...
The field of infectious disease diagnostics is ever changing with both newly identified infections such as SARS, Ebola, and Zika virus as well as yearly epidemics and potential for pandemic w...