OCT 18, 2024 5:00 AM PDT

Speed without compromise - High-purity, high-yield DNA in typically 5 minutes

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Current methods to obtain nucleic acids usually involve either crude extraction or more thorough purification methods. Crude extraction methods although rapid, result in low quality DNA and low concentration, limiting its downstream uses. Purification methods offer an alternative to crude extraction but are time consuming.  

The new sbeadex™ Lightning chemistry delivers high-speed extraction of high-purity DNA with high-yield. To achieve this, we developed a new method to bind nucleic acids to the solid support allowing binding and washing steps to be combined in a single buffer. The sbeadex Lightning workflow involves only 3 steps and requires typically 5 minutes from lysate to DNA while delivering high-yields of pure DNA. This patent pending magnetic bead technology significantly reduces the extraction workflow saving up to 40 minutes per sample and increasing sample throughput by as much as 10 times versus competitors.

sbeadex Lightning also works on automation platforms like KingFisher, Hamilton, Tecan and our very own oKtopure, among others.  

Download our new app note where we demonstrate the improved performance that sbeadex Lightning delivers compared to market-leading DNA purification kits.  


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