OCT 28, 2020 2:00 PM GMT, 7:30 PM IST, 10:00 AM EDT

Tips for successful single cell and single nucleus RNA-Seq - Part 2


Single-cell sequencing is revolutionizing oncology. The ability to distinguish every cell and provide a far greater depth of analysis about cell-to-cell relationships is an increasingly powerful tool for understanding biology and cellular function, disease diagnosis, therapy response prediction, and treatment selection. Today, single cell (sc) and single nuclei (sn) RNA-seq have become indispensable tools for studying many different aspects of RNA biology, including single-cell gene expression.
In this webcast, Luciano Martelotto will discuss and compare single cell and single nuclei RNA-seq and provide tips from the bench on effective sample preparation techniques and optimal use of RNA-seq cell capture technologies for successful single-cell sequencing outcomes.
Learning objectives:
  • Discuss why and when single-cell sequencing is useful, common applications and the single cell RNA-seq experiment workflow
  • Compare the most common methodologies including inDrop and DropSeq, 10x Genomics™ and SMART-seq™, Seq-Well™ and Rhapsody™ and their impact on single-cell sequencing outcomes
  • Provide tips from the wet lab bench for successful single cell RNA-seq and single nuclei RNA-seq experiments focusing on sample preparation: dos and don’ts for tissue preservation and dissociation, cell counting and enrichment methods
  • Discuss experimental designs and sequencing considerations in multi-omics applications

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