Date: June 2, 2021 Time: 10:00am PDT Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is typically performed on a limited number of cells from an embryo biopsy and is used to prioritize embryos for tra...
Date: November 03, 2021 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT) Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies already play a major role in our everyday lives, such as smart speakers that understand you...
DATE: April 20, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET...
DATE: April 29, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PT, 12:00pm ET Recent revolutionary developments in the field of cryo electron microscopy (EM) revealed cellular mechanisms in subnanometer resolution. Unfo...
Date: October 15, 2020 Time: 9:00am (PDT), 12:00pm (EDT) Renal transporters play an important role in potential clinical drug-drug interactions (DDIs) as highlighted in the FDA, EMA and PMDA...
Date: October 05, 2021 Time: 7:00am (PDT), 10:00am (EDT) After new users become familiar with flow cytometry instrumentation and learn how to set up the instrument and acquire data, the next...
Date: October 25, 2022 Time: 11:00am (PST), 2:00pm (EST), 8:00pm (CEST) Candida auris is a multi-drug resistant yeast that continues to be a global threat for infection and transmission in h...
Date: June 21, 2022 Time: 8:00am (PDT), 11:00pm (EDT), 5:00pm (CEST) The adoption of digital pathology is a multifaceted project involving many stakeholders across the pathology department....
Date: January 13, 2022 Time: 09:00am (PST), 12:00pm (EST) Recently, the Infectious Disease Society of America released guidance on how to approach treatment of infections caused by multidrug...
DATE: April 14, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PDT, 12:00pm EDT Besides being Gibco Cell Culture Heroes, what do Vivek, Sandra, Daisy, Ameet and Kristine all have in common? They are all stuck at home fo...
DATE: June 24, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PT The identification of LGR5 + intestinal stem cells helped us to understand various aspects of adult stem cells and led to the establishment of primary 3D...
Date: June 8, 2021 Time: 10:00am (PDT), 1:00pm (EDT) Most deaths from ovarian and endometrial cancer are due to high-grade subtypes that metastasize before they are detectable by available...
Single-cell ATAC-seq (Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin using sequencing, scATAC-seq) is a relatively new and powerful technique that allows researchers to identify open chromatin r...
DATE: July 9, 2020 TIME: 2pm SGT, 3pm JST, 4pm AEST Mass Spectrometry (MS) has been an invaluable tool for physicists and basic chemists for over 100 years. It was not until around 30 to 40...
DATE: January 30, 2020 TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Recent advances in in vitro 3D cellular culture technologies, such as organoids, rapidly developed and established novel, more physiologi...
DATE: August 11, 2020 TIME: 8:00am PDT The goal of TB elimination, less than 1 case per million people per year, can only be achieved through a concerted effort to detect and treat persons i...
Date: February 23, 2021 Time: 8:00am (PST), 11:00am (EST) The analysis of serum free light chains (FLC) is now standard of care in the screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of patients suspec...
DATE: November 21, 2019TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm EST Multiple Myeloma is a disease of terminally differentiated plasma cells with the massive production of monoclonal immunoglobu...
JUN 15, 2023 | 8:00 AM
ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) is a powerful and well-established method that enables researchers to detect and quantify a wide range of soluble substances, such as peptides, prot...
DATE: October 7, 2021 TIME: 7:00am PDT, 10:00am EDT, 4:00pm CET The assessment of cell health and cellular responses after experimental manipulation continue to be a very important aspect of...
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) have each gained attention as promising liquid biopsy markers, offering molecular insights into cancer progression, overall s...
DATE: July 8, 2020 TIME: 10:00 am PDT This seminar reviews clinical utility of adopting rapid IDH1/2 testing in both hematological and solid tumors and describes the adjusted workflow develo...
JUL 15, 2021 | 2:00 PM
Lupus anticoagulants and antiphospholipid syndrome: Resolving confusion, providing new guideline updates...