Thank you to our users for pushing us to be the best we can be! This year,
LabRoots was honored with three silver awards in Best in Biz 2017. We received silver awards for the Creative Department of the Year, Sales Department of the Year, and Technology Department of the Year.
Best in Biz is the only independent business awards program judged each year by prominent editors and reporters from top-tier publications in North America. We are thrilled to be considered for these awards along with other outstanding companies. We view LabRoots as a highly-collaborative unit, working diligently to ensure excellence of service to our users and our clients. Encouraging creativity across all aspects of the business brings with it further success in our offerings and services.
Entrants for these awards span the spectrum, from some of the most innovative local start-ups to the most recognizable global brands. This year there were more than 650 entries from an impressive array of public and private companies from a variety of industries. To be able to be placed among such wonderful and successful companies is an honor for LabRoots. Since 2008, we have seen tremendous growth and appreciate the support for the offerings we provide. We are proud of what LabRoots is becoming and will continue to shine moving forward.
For a full list of gold, silver and bronze winners in Best in Biz Awards 2017, visit: http://www.bestinbizawards.com/2017-winners.