LabRoots will be exhibiting at the annual American Society of Human Genetics conference in Baltimore, Maryland from October 7-10. We are always excited to join the other great companies at this meeting and be a part of bringing very informative and cutting edge information to attendees.
ASHG 2015 conference is a leading event for genetics worldwide. Speakers will present the latest innovations in genetics and genomics to the respective community. Attendees can learn about new research with educational sessions covering several topics of interest.
LabRoots will be part of ASHG 2015 where we’ll be highlighting our user friendly new website design, popular educational webinars, and informational virtual conferences all while handing out free loot such as pens, clips and our famous t-shirts, one of which will be exclusively designed for this conference in specific. Visit us at booth number 1615 to learn more!
We’re also hiring writers to help us contribute content for the
Trending section of our new website. If you’re interested speak to one of the LabRoots team members at the booth! Alternatively, you can email writing@labroots.com with your resume and some sample content. Looking forward to seeing some of you there!