The LabRoots team is packing their bags and heading to America’s Finest City. For the next few days, LabRoots will call San Diego home as they host the annual company meeting, exhibit at the SfN's 46th annual meeting, and join forces with the team at Chempetitive Group to host a fun evening of “Science on Tap.”

The team will kick off the events with their annual meeting, where department heads will provide a year in review and exciting plans for the year to come. LabRoots has had a great year and there are many exciting things in store before the year's end, as we head into next year. The team is continually evolving and adding new features to the LabRoots platform. Among other improvements, users will soon see a completely revamped site with an improved user experience. Users will also have an enhanced experience from their mobile devices with the launch of the new site.
Since “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” the managed to schedule a little bit of fun. Teaming up with Chempetitive Group, they will host a night of “Science on Tap” social mixer, where those from the neuroscience community will get a first-hand experience of the effect of alcohol on the brain.

To close out their time in San Diego, the LabRoots team will be exhibiting at the
Neuroscience 2016, put on by the Society of Neuroscience. SfN's 46th annual meeting is the premier venue for neuroscientists to present emerging science, learn from experts, collaborate with peers, explore new tools and technologies, and advance careers.
LabRoots will be on hand during SfN 2016, where attendees can register, chat with the team and learn more about all the virtual events and webinars LabRoots has to offer, not to mention a chance to pick up the “Heart vs. Head” shirt, designed special for SfN 2016.
Be sure to stop by the LabRoots booth, #3517!