For four years running, the LabRoots Cancer Research and Oncology virtual conference has been a premier event for the cancer community as well as a successful collaboration venue. Welcome to the 5th Annual
LabRoots Cancer Research & Oncology Virtual Conference! The conference will take place October 11-12, 2017.

LabRoots invites research professionals, scientists, and clinicians to participate in the virtual conference and learn about recent advances in cancer research. The virtual conference is always free to attendees, encouraging worldwide collaboration and connections between colleagues and field experts. Attending sessions is also a great way to earn free education credits needed for certifications and continuing education programs.
Cancer Research & Oncology 2017 will be focusing on advancements in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of different cancer types. The world’s thought leaders in cancer research will present their latest discoveries in cancer mechanics and detection as well as clinical aspects such as targeted therapies and novel treatments.
Topics for this year's virtual conference include:
- Computational Oncology
- Data and Bioinformatics
- Organ Systems & Oncogenes
- Breast
- Urologic Oncology
- KRas-driven cancers
- Circulating Tumor Cells
- Therapeutics and Anti-cancer Drug Discovery
- Traditional vs novel therapeutics
- Cancer Diagnostics, Screening and Imaging
- Personalized diagnostics
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