As we transition from 2017 to 2018, we hope you are able to take some time with family and enjoy the holidays. 2017 has been good to us, and we look forward to the New Year! LabRoots produced almost 200 events and webinars, and published over 2,000 news articles to support our goal of providing valuable educational content and news updates for our users. All events, webinars, and articles are perpetually on the site, so please feel free to go back and remind yourself of what the year had to offer!

LabRoots is especially appreciative of all of you, who participate in our events and enjoy our informative content. We look forward to our continued relationship and hope you are excited to see what new developments 2018 will bring. In addition to
new virtual events and more
store merchandise, we are always looking to learn what you, our users, would like to see as well when we meet at conferences or on the site.
Over the holidays we hope you get a chance to kick back and relax, read a new book, check out a new movie (Star Wars, anyone?), and enjoy the winter break. We wish you all a happy December!