The physical constraints that once limited the flow of scientific information are no longer hurdles that must be overcome. The birth of the internet in 1983 completely changed how we communicate and share information in ways no one fathomed at that time. Three decades later, it is now interwoven throughout every academic, business, and professional field as well as into our personal lives. We are dependent on the technological advances that have spawned from the development of the internet; the complexities of computers and software, gaming, and electronics such as smartphones have impacted every aspect of our lives.
The internet is also a predecessor to data sharing, which is the storage of data in network servers that prevents the same set of data from being changed by two people at the same time. Although sharing and pooling data has raised some skepticism, it is a powerful tool for improving the reproducibility and robustness of current research. Datasets used in medical research are strictly regulated by national and federal guidelines (HIPAA) due to the sensitivity of the information contained within, but they provide vital information for the collaboration of researchers.
Academic publishers and scientific researchers have felt the repercussions as well during the transition of hard copy journals to electronic formats. Publishers had to decide if they were going to offer open-access to their peer-reviewed journals or charge a fee to view a single article or for a subscription. However, requiring a fee for access limits the availability of this information for most scientists. Internet accessibility has created the ability for researchers worldwide to share current study findings and new discoveries immediately through networking on social media and knowledge-sharing platforms.
Collaboration between researchers and the distribution of current knowledge are hot topics now, especially since many large pharmaceutical companies have outsourced some aspects of their research to academia in an effort to control costs. The internet has disintegrated physical and distance barriers allowing sharing of information between experts in their fields.
Digital innovations developed by
LabRoots promote and highlight the importance of collaboration in research and education. Through an online portal that provides trending scientific news as well as virtual events and webinars, both seasoned researchers and students alike can connect and build relationships with top influencers in their fields by networking with colleagues and peers around the world.
Global communication through virtual platforms such as those offered by
LabRoots is changing the way scientific information is shared. Virtual conferences and events may eventually make the traditional conference requiring a physical presence obsolete. If given a choice, would you rather attend a conference virtually in the comfort of your home or travel a long distance for a 2-3-day conference in another city or country? Because our conferences offer networking lounges with opportunities for live chats during the event, participants can ask questions and receive in-depth feedback from their colleagues and peers.

Networking Lounge in a Virtual Event
As communication and information technology advances, so too will opportunities to enhance knowledge-sharing platforms. They offer the acceleration of scientific discoveries through global networking and the creation of new partnerships.