28 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Not feeling well? Maybe this will help

When it comes to advancing medical technology, the family dog isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But that is exactly what is on the mind of Professor Daniel Mills from the UK’s University of Lincoln’s School of Life Sciences and his colleague Dr. Sophie Hall. In an article that appeared in a recent issue of the Veterinary Record, they discuss the therapeutic effects of companion animals,...... Read More

27 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Some Bird Species Found to Have Body Fat Hormone

Some species of birds have long been a mystery in their behaviors. Thanks to a discovery made by University of Akron researchers, there is now believed to be an explanation for how sea birds fly over 80,000 miles during their migration from the North Pole to the South Pole, and the Emperor penguin is able to incubate eggs for months without eating, in spite of the conditions in the Antarctic winter....... Read More

26 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

The Nose Knows More than Originally Thought

While most of us realize that there are different smells that we are familiar with, both good and bad, a new study has shown that humans are capable of distinguishing at least 1 trillion different odors. This number is exponentially greater than the largest guestimate of 10,000. The results of the study was printed in a number of science articles after molecular neurobiologist Leslie Vosshall of the...... Read More

25 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Mice Shed Gene to Lose Weight

What would be a dream come true to many people has proven to be a reality in mice. An article in Science News reports on how mice have the ability to shed a gene, FAT10, to help them lose body fat. Even more amazing, those mice that dropped weight in this way were also shown to add to their lifespan. A study performed by scientists at Yale School of Medicine, led by Allon Canaan, was originally reported...... Read More

20 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Scientists Develop Acoustic Cloaking Device

Engineers from Duke University have made the first three-dimensional acoustic cloak. With some perforated sheets of plastic and some serious number crunching, they made the device which reroutes sound waves to give the impression that the cloak and anything beneath it are not really there. According to the article in Science Daily news, the acoustic cloaking device works regardless of the direction...... Read More

19 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Easier Methods for Building New Drugs

A new method has been developed to allow scientists to modify organic molecules that will have a significant impact on the possibility for developing new pharmaceuticals, as well as making existing ones better. A Science Daily news article explains that the innovation made by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) has made it easier to modify existing organic compounds through a process...... Read More

18 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

FDA Approves Headband to Reduce Incidence of Migraine Headaches

Relief could be available to the millions of people who suffer from migraines. The Food and Drug Administration has given their approval to the first device used in the prevention of migraines, exciting news that could seriously impact thousands of people. The device is called Cefaly and it looks a little like a headband that a super hero might wear. It runs on a battery and rests across the forehead...... Read More

13 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Healthy diet may prevent dementia in later years

Looks like your mother knew what she was talking about when she told you to eat your vegetables. According to a recent study published at the University of Eastern Finland, developing a habit of eating fruits and vegetables can pay dividends in later years. The results of the study showed that those who ate the healthiest diet at an average age of 50 years had an almost 90 percent lower risk in a 14-year...... Read More

12 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Daohugou Biota Offers Many Clues about Evolution

A fossil assemblage known as the “Daohugou Biota” offers a window into life on earth approximately 160 million years ago. Located in and around the region of Inner Mongolia, China, this incomparable fossil find dates back to an important time during evolution. A description of what paleontologists deem a “virtual paradise of fossils” can be found in a recent issue of the science journal “Journal...... Read More

11 Mar, 2014 | by Labroots

Binge Drinking Could Shorten Lifespan

A new study shows that older adults who binge drink one or more times a month could be putting themselves at risk for an earlier death. Findings were recently published in the science journal, Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Both men and women from their mid-50s to their mid-60s were included in the study. The results showed that even those participants who drank a moderate number of...... Read More