12 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Scientists Develop Battery Made from Wood Slivers

Scientists at the University of Maryland’s NanoCenter are working on a tiny new eco-friendly battery made from a sliver of wood. With countless everyday and clinical applications, the environmentally-minded battery discovery has the potential to revolutionize the way we look at itty bitty power sources - for good. Most of the batteries in use today are created with the use of rigid substrates. These...... Read More

11 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Researchers Learn How Stem Cells Create New Neurons

A team of dedicated scientists at the University of Oregon has made some fascinating discoveries towards understanding how stem cells produce not only new, but varied neurons. Studying the brains of fruit flies, biologists set out to answer the question of how a single type of stem cell can create a variety of different kinds of neurons. It’s something that’s puzzled the cell biology community...... Read More

10 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Liver Stem Cells Could be the Key to Faster Drug Developments

Costing up to $2 billion dollars and averaging at over 12 years, the process of bringing a new medication to the US is a difficult one. The path becomes all the more tumultuous when you factor in the fact that even after an initial investment of time, money and resources, most new drugs don’t make it all the way through the process. But scientists from Princeton’s Bristol-Meyers Squibb and the...... Read More

09 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Growing Science Careers – Breaking into Cell Biology

While not specifically listed as a career field by agencies like the Bureau of Labor Statistics, cell biology is actually one of the fastest growing and most intriguing aspects of the scientific community. Physiologists, micro and macro biologists, and specialized aquatic biologists all fall under the cell biology umbrella. If you’re interested in studying the molecular structure of fungi, plants,...... Read More

08 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Neuroscience News: Protein Discovery Linked to Circadian Clocks and Metabolism

For years, the details and inner workings of the body’s circadian clock – the biological internal timing device that directs the sleep cycles of virtually every living organism – have eluded scientists. But a recent discovery by researchers at the Gladstone Institute has linked a crucial protein to the circadian rhythm of human bodies – and how a disruption of its normal function can throw...... Read More

03 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Breakthrough Stem Cell Discovery Off Limits to Many Researchers

In May of 2013, scientists in California and Oregon made major breakthroughs when they were able to create human embryonic stem cells by cloning existing cells. It’s a major advancement in the war against fatal, devastating and life-altering diseases and medical events, including Alzheimer’s, stroke, lupus, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, and more. There’s only one problem – using the cloned...... Read More

02 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

Toddler Gets New Chance at Life Thanks to Stem Cell Trachea

The youngest recipient of an experimental treatment involving stem cells is a toddler – and her parents couldn’t be happier about it. Hannah Warren, a cheerful almost-three-year-old, will soon be going home from the hospital for the first time in her young life. And while spending the first two-plus years of her life in the children’s wing of a central Illinois hospital may sound like a nightmare,...... Read More

01 Jul, 2013 | by Labroots

New Strain of Bird Flu Quickly Develops Drug Resistance

The newly discovered H7N9 avian flu is already giving doctors and researchers a hard time. News sources, including the BBC, say that H7N9 has been confirmed in 131 patients and has caused 36 deaths since it was first recognized. And the real trouble may just be getting started. Because according to researchers and doctors, this new version of bird flu has developed a real resistance to antiviral flu...... Read More

28 Jun, 2013 | by Labroots

Antibiotic Resistant Salmonella is a Growing Concern

According to scientists, researchers, and public health agencies, antibiotic resistance among a specific species of salmonella is a growing concern to those in the US and Canada. Between 2003 and 2013, researchers in Canada collected several samples from patients seeking medical attention for salmonella poisoning. Of the nearly 100 samples of the serotype Salmonella Kentucky, roughly 30% were found...... Read More

27 Jun, 2013 | by Labroots

Fast Adapting Synthetic Vaccines are the Future of the Flu

According to the science news enthusiasts and bug watchers at the CDC, the 2012-2013 flu season was particularly harsh, beginning early, running late, and spreading like wildfire. Part of the reason for the brutal flu season was the fact that flu viruses mutate and create new strains so quickly that by the time you get your flu vaccine, it’s probably already outdated. But what if there was such...... Read More