LabRoots is making our way to Chicago April 14-18th for the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) 2018 annual meeting. This year AACR is focusing on “Driving Innovative Cancer Science to Patient Care” explored with educational sessions, methods workshops, and special sessions. AACR works to prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, and collaboration. The annual meeting supports colleague interactions, helps communicate research in cancer and related biomedical science, and promotes science education and training to advance the understanding of cancer biology.
LabRoots is excited to be part of this worldwide conference that brings together researchers and clinicians from the cancer community to share their findings and ideas. Visit us at
booth #3631 to talk with colleagues, relax on the couch, and tell us what you use most on We love to talk with the cancer community so please stop by! Not only does the AACR annual meeting give us a chance to meet our users but also allows us to learn from you, what you would like to see, and how you use the LabRoots website for your educational needs.
And don’t forget to get one of our well-known award-winning