College textbooks can be expensive. In addition to general funding challenges students experience in order to attend college, expenses for textbooks and supplies present an extra obstacle for students to manage. During the 2016–2017 school year, the
College Board reports the average cost for books and supplies to be an average of $1,240 per student. At four-year schools, book costs have been estimated to account for 25% of college expenses.
The issue is that textbooks are required materials for college classes. And with consistently rising expenses, students and their families must constantly increase their allotted college funding to pay for their education. LabRoots recognizes this challenge particularly among the sciences and aims to relieve students of some of this burden.
The new
LabRoots Textbook Scholarship for the 2017/2018 school year welcomes applications from students needing additional support to cover textbook costs as they pursue a degree in the life sciences. The scholarship will provide $1,000 in direct costs for one undergraduate or graduate student. As a merit-based program, applicants can show their qualifications and need in the application process.
LabRoots is proud to support undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in the life science fields. This program is open to students both in and outside the US; there are no geographical limits for applicants. LabRoots wishes to encourage students to stay in science and aims to help students work towards their research and educational goals.
The application period for this scholarship will open June 1 and close on July 31. At that time, LabRoots will review all applicants and the winner of the scholarship will be notified by email on or before August 15, 2017. To learn more about this and other scholarships from LabRoots, visit