Companies / Abcam / Anti-GFP antibody

Anti-GFP antibody | Abcam

"Rabbit anti-GFP antibody ab290 is a rabbit polyclonal antibody produced using a specially constructed GFP immunogen, and is used for detection of all variants of Aequorea victoria GFP, including RFP, YFP, CFP, and EGFP. Anti-GFP antibody ab290 has been a highly cited GFP antibody for over 25 years, and was first used in a scientific publication in 1999. With one reagent, ab290 gives you the flexibility to IP GFP, detect GFP by western blotting, and image GFP both in cells and in tissues. It can also be used in ELISA. Tried and trusted by researchers with > 3,000 publications using ab290 anti-GFP antibody."


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