Companies / Beckman Coulter Life Sciences / Apostle MiniMax™ High Efficiency Isolation Kit
Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Apostle MiniMax™ High Efficiency Isolation Kit | Beckman Coulter Life Sciences

Mutations Might Be Rare. Discovering Them Doesn't Have To Be.

Your samples are precious. A mere 1-50 ng of cfDNA is typically obtained from 1 mL blood, among which, only 0.01 - 0.1% is ctDNA.

We're here to help. Our Apostle MiniMax™ High Efficiency Isolation Kit can help you confidently collect the cfDNA you need on your search for rare mutations.

The Apostle MiniMax™ High Efficiency Isolation Kit enables you to extract more cfDNA than other isolation kits.

  • Isolates cfDNA from 1-5 mL of plasma
  • Compatible with a variety of cell-free DNA collection tubes
  • Efficiently removes PCR inhibitors to allow for use in NGS and PCR-based assays

These products are not intended or validated for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions.

Supporting Documents


cfDNA Extraction from Plasma for Liquid Biopsy


Genomics Products for Cancer Research

Technical Note

Comparative analysis of cell-free DNA extraction efficiency from plasma

Method Overview

Apostle MiniMax™ High Efficiency cfDNA Isolation on Biomek i5

Technical Note

cfDNA Extraction Efficiency Affect NGS Data

Application Note

A workflow for medium-throughput isolation of cfDNA from plasma samples using Apostle MiniMax™ on the KingFisher™ Technology

Application Note

Biomek Automated Genomic Sample Prep Accelerates Research


A new scalable and automatable method for the extraction of cfDNA

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Beckman Coulter Life Sciences is a leading developer of scientific research technologies that primarily serve the academia and pharmaceutical markets. The company also develops and manufacture solutions for clinical research and for applied markets such as agricultural, food and beverage, gas and oil, aerospace, and several others.