Santa Cruz Biotechnology

NusA (1NA1) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology

mouse monoclonal IgG2b; NusA Antibody (1NA1) is an IgG2b mouse monoclonal NusA antibody that detects NusA of E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium and Serratia marcescens origin by WB. NusA Antibody (1NA1) is available as the non-conjugated anti-NusA antibody form. DNA replication is a complex process during which problems may lead to breaks in the replication fork, causing recombinational reactions to occur in order to restore DNA integrity. If this happens within repeated DNA sequences, genetic rearrangements may be produced. The bacterial UmuC/DinB family consists of bypass polymerases that are responsible for translesion DNA synthesis. DinB, also referred to as DNA polymerase IV in eukaryotes, is an error-prone bacterial DNA polymerase that plays a role in DNA damage-induced mutagenesis by preferentially making frameshift mutations. NusA is an essential bacterial protein that interacts with DinB and plays important role in transcriptional regulation (specifically transcriptional termination) and DNA repair mechanisms.


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