Companies / Santa Cruz Biotechnology / CD229 (Ly9ab3)
Santa Cruz Biotechnology

CD229 (Ly9ab3) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology

hamster monoclonal IgG; T lymphocyte surface antigen Ly9 (CD229), also designated lymphocyte antigen 9 or cell-surface molecule Ly9, is a cell surface glycoprotein. CDC229 is a Type I membrane protein that is crucial in adhesion reactions between T lymphocytes and accessory cells (homophilic interaction). It belongs to the CD2 subfamily of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily of proteins (along with CD2, CD48, CD58, CD84, CD244 and CD150). Receptors of this family are important in cytokine production regulation and cytotoxicity of lymphocytes and NK cells. CD229 interacts with the SAP/SH2D1A protein. CD229 is expressed on mature B cells, T cells, thymocytes and NK cells.


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