Companies / Santa Cruz Biotechnology / cleaved Rock-1 (154C1465)
Santa Cruz Biotechnology

cleaved Rock-1 (154C1465) | Santa Cruz Biotechnology

mouse monoclonal IgG; Rho, the Ras-related small GTPase, is responsible for the regulation of Actin-based cytoskeletal structures including stress fibers, focal adhesions and the contractile ring apparatus. Rho proteins function as molecular switches that are able to turn cytokinesis on and off. Although little is known about signaling downstream of Rho, a host of putative Rho effector proteins have been described, including rhophilin, Rhotekin, citron and the serine/threonine kinase, protein kinase N. Two additional Rho-activated serine/threonine kinases have been described, designated Rock-1 and Rock-2 (also referred to as Roka, for Rho-associated coil-containing protein kinase). Rock-1 and Rock-2 share a structural similarity with myotonic dystrophy kinase.


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Santa Cruz Biotechnology is a world leader in the development of products for the biomedical research market. Over the past 30+ years, the Company has focused on the ongoing development of research antibodies, siRNA and CRISPR Gene editing tools, biochemicals, labware and more recently has expanded into animal health care products. Santa Cruz Biotechnology has the highest commitment to quality and customer service.