Assay Development: one of the first steps in drug development and toxicity testing is creating test systems on which to evaluate the effects of chemical compounds on cellular, molecular or biochemical processes of interest.
EVENT DETAILS:DATE: May 16, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, Noon ETThermo Fisher Scientific is proud to present the SyncD3 webinar series. As a thought-leader in science our first commit...
Cell free DNA (cfDNA) analysis for the purpose of diagnostics is currently practiced for non-invasive prenatal screening of cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA), and is anticipated to be leveraged fo...
Do you have targets that are difficult to genotype? Are you starting new projects and looking for a fast convenient genotyping solution?Whether screening CRISPR clones, exploring pharmaco...
DATE: May 9th, 2017TIME: 7:00AM PDT, 10:00AM ET, 2:00PM GMT Early detection and elimination of new chemical entities with cardiac or hERG liability could substantially improve...
Developing therapies for human diseases continues to face obstacles, particularly in translating targets or compounds identified by in vitro screening campaigns to valid targets or efficaciou...
Neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and primary rodent neurons both are excellent resources for disease modeling and drug screening. Human PSCs derived neural stem...
DATE: April 27, 2017TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ETMass spectrometry is increasingly being used for clinical testing and evaluation of patients in various settings. The utilization of...
DATE: April 25, 2017TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ETImmunotherapy has emerged as one of the most promising options for the future treatment of a growing number of cancers and is to...
With the exception of the Microbiome Quality Control (MBQC), very little has been published on best practices and reference standards for microbiome and metagenomic studies. As evidenced by r...
A recent clinical trial of the AR inhibitor enzalutamide in patients with TNBC included an exploratory endpoint using RNA sequencing to identify a genomic signature of patients likely to resp...
Successful scientific studies rely on reagent quality and reproducibility. As the market increasingly fills with reagent producers, there has been growing demand to apply additional l...
There is rapidly growing interest in using the CRISPR-Cas9 system for functional screening, both as a primary screening tool and as an orthogonal tool for RNAi hit validation. High throughput...
Challenges in achieving comparability, reproducibility and accuracy in biological assays has driven a demand for improved confidence in measurements that support development of regenerative m...
SPR technology is being improved steadily and today is an essential component in the biopharmaceutical industry. As SPR based assays extract valuable and reliable information at high accuracy...
Development of biosimilars for marketed bio-therapeutics is expected to increase patient access and affordability of these therapeutics within the healthcare system. One of the key aspe...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ETThe powerful and expanding use of genetically modified mice introduces important aspects of genetics in managing these strains for breedi...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ETPerlara PBC, is a public benefit company committed to discovering small molecule therapeutics for rare genetic diseases. Our approach con...
DATE: January 27, 2017TIME: 4:00am PT, 7:00am ET, 1:00pm CETThe study of the tumor ecosystem and its cell-to-cell communications is essential to enable an understanding of tumor biology...
DATE: January 26, 2017TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ETThe demand for low-cost, disposable devices with short response times capable of performing routine electrochemical biosensing has...
DATE: January 19th, 2017TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11:00AM ETLiquid biopsies have the potential to be a less invasive method than traditional biopsies to detect advanced solid tumor mutational st...
In-Cell ELISA, is a well-accepted assay approach to perform quantitative immunocytochemistry of cultured cells using either a colormetric or fluorometric readout. Join our In-Cell ELISA...
Join Dr Javier Conde Vancells as he reviews the use of primary and secondary antibody conjugates across multiple lab applications, including a review of direct vs. indirect methods in cellula...
DATE: December 14, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
A major hurdle in developing relevant disease models for drug discovery is access to the healthy and diseased tissue of interest; induc...
DATE: December 7, 2016
TIME: 9:00 AM PT, 12:00 PM ET
Kinases play important roles in many biological signaling pathways. Kinase inhibitors are therefore potentially found as actives in ty...
EVENT DETAILS:DATE: May 16, 2017TIME: 9:00am PT, Noon ETThermo Fisher Scientific is proud to present the SyncD3 webinar series. As a thought-leader in science our first commit...
Cell free DNA (cfDNA) analysis for the purpose of diagnostics is currently practiced for non-invasive prenatal screening of cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA), and is anticipated to be leveraged fo...
Do you have targets that are difficult to genotype? Are you starting new projects and looking for a fast convenient genotyping solution?Whether screening CRISPR clones, exploring pharmaco...
DATE: May 9th, 2017TIME: 7:00AM PDT, 10:00AM ET, 2:00PM GMT Early detection and elimination of new chemical entities with cardiac or hERG liability could substantially improve...
Developing therapies for human diseases continues to face obstacles, particularly in translating targets or compounds identified by in vitro screening campaigns to valid targets or efficaciou...
Neurons derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and primary rodent neurons both are excellent resources for disease modeling and drug screening. Human PSCs derived neural stem...
DATE: April 27, 2017TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ETMass spectrometry is increasingly being used for clinical testing and evaluation of patients in various settings. The utilization of...
DATE: April 25, 2017TIME: 10:00am PT, 1:00pm ETImmunotherapy has emerged as one of the most promising options for the future treatment of a growing number of cancers and is to...
With the exception of the Microbiome Quality Control (MBQC), very little has been published on best practices and reference standards for microbiome and metagenomic studies. As evidenced by r...
A recent clinical trial of the AR inhibitor enzalutamide in patients with TNBC included an exploratory endpoint using RNA sequencing to identify a genomic signature of patients likely to resp...
Successful scientific studies rely on reagent quality and reproducibility. As the market increasingly fills with reagent producers, there has been growing demand to apply additional l...
There is rapidly growing interest in using the CRISPR-Cas9 system for functional screening, both as a primary screening tool and as an orthogonal tool for RNAi hit validation. High throughput...
Challenges in achieving comparability, reproducibility and accuracy in biological assays has driven a demand for improved confidence in measurements that support development of regenerative m...
SPR technology is being improved steadily and today is an essential component in the biopharmaceutical industry. As SPR based assays extract valuable and reliable information at high accuracy...
Development of biosimilars for marketed bio-therapeutics is expected to increase patient access and affordability of these therapeutics within the healthcare system. One of the key aspe...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ETThe powerful and expanding use of genetically modified mice introduces important aspects of genetics in managing these strains for breedi...
DATE: February 8, 2017TIME: 1:30pm PT, 4:30pm ETPerlara PBC, is a public benefit company committed to discovering small molecule therapeutics for rare genetic diseases. Our approach con...
DATE: January 27, 2017TIME: 4:00am PT, 7:00am ET, 1:00pm CETThe study of the tumor ecosystem and its cell-to-cell communications is essential to enable an understanding of tumor biology...
DATE: January 26, 2017TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ETThe demand for low-cost, disposable devices with short response times capable of performing routine electrochemical biosensing has...
DATE: January 19th, 2017TIME: 8:00AM PT, 11:00AM ETLiquid biopsies have the potential to be a less invasive method than traditional biopsies to detect advanced solid tumor mutational st...
In-Cell ELISA, is a well-accepted assay approach to perform quantitative immunocytochemistry of cultured cells using either a colormetric or fluorometric readout. Join our In-Cell ELISA...
Join Dr Javier Conde Vancells as he reviews the use of primary and secondary antibody conjugates across multiple lab applications, including a review of direct vs. indirect methods in cellula...
DATE: December 14, 2016
TIME: 7:30am PT, 10:30am ET
A major hurdle in developing relevant disease models for drug discovery is access to the healthy and diseased tissue of interest; induc...
DATE: December 7, 2016
TIME: 9:00 AM PT, 12:00 PM ET
Kinases play important roles in many biological signaling pathways. Kinase inhibitors are therefore potentially found as actives in ty...