Bacteria Resistant: is the ability of a microbe to resist the effects of medication that once could successfully treat the microbe. The term antibiotic resistance is a subset of AMR, as it applies only to bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.
Luminex's xMAP® Technology enables the evaluation of up to 500 analytes simultaneously in a single well, known as multiplexing. xMAP Technology uses color-coded microspheres as the substrate...
The ICIS Annual Meetings typically attract 650-750 registrants and have a distinguished history of presenting cutting edge research from internationally recognized scientists. This meeting e...
Labroots and the Genetics and Genomics planning committee are excited to announce they will be hosting the 7th Annual Event in the Genetics and Genomics Virtual Event Series on May 8-9, 2019....
Improve your protein research knowledge by joining our 7 Steps of Protein virtual eventThe 3rd annual 7 Steps of Protein virtual event is taking place around the world on Tuesday, Septemb...
Join Labroots in bringing the microbiology research community together at the 3rd Annual Event in the Microbiology and Immunology Virtual Event Series! During the free...
Labroots invites you to the 1st Annual Event in the Cannabis Sciences Virtual Event Series! Cannabis Sciences is a growing field of medicine and research...
The Labroots Microbiology & Immunology Virtual Event Series 2017 is now On Demand! Join us in bringing the Microbiology research community together online in discovering new concepts,...
The 2nd Annual Event in the Microbiology & Immunology Virtual Event Series is now On Demand! This premier venue discusses the latest research on microscopic organisms and their interacti...
C&EN is delighted to present its second annual virtual symposium highlighting groundbreaking research in drug discovery, chemical synthesis, informatics and drug development. On Septembe...
Welcome to Labroots 1st Annual Event in the Microbiology Virtual Event Series free online conference! Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms...
Cardinal Health Laboratory Products First Annual Virtual Tradeshow. Want to join a world-class group of specialists from the laboratory diagnostic industry to learn about innovative products...
The theme of this conference is a range of genetics and genomics topics such as Bioinformatics and Quantitative Genomics, Cancer Detection, Cancer Genomics, Clinical Genomics, Complex Disease...
This event is now apart of the Neuroscience Virtual Event Series. The Veterinary Bioscience Institute and LabRoots, Inc. are pleased to announce the annual, two-day international, event in t...
Luminex's xMAP® Technology enables the evaluation of up to 500 analytes simultaneously in a single well, known as multiplexing. xMAP Technology uses color-coded microspheres as the substrate...
The ICIS Annual Meetings typically attract 650-750 registrants and have a distinguished history of presenting cutting edge research from internationally recognized scientists. This meeting e...
Labroots and the Genetics and Genomics planning committee are excited to announce they will be hosting the 7th Annual Event in the Genetics and Genomics Virtual Event Series on May 8-9, 2019....
Improve your protein research knowledge by joining our 7 Steps of Protein virtual eventThe 3rd annual 7 Steps of Protein virtual event is taking place around the world on Tuesday, Septemb...
Join Labroots in bringing the microbiology research community together at the 3rd Annual Event in the Microbiology and Immunology Virtual Event Series! During the free...
Labroots invites you to the 1st Annual Event in the Cannabis Sciences Virtual Event Series! Cannabis Sciences is a growing field of medicine and research...
The Labroots Microbiology & Immunology Virtual Event Series 2017 is now On Demand! Join us in bringing the Microbiology research community together online in discovering new concepts,...
The 2nd Annual Event in the Microbiology & Immunology Virtual Event Series is now On Demand! This premier venue discusses the latest research on microscopic organisms and their interacti...
C&EN is delighted to present its second annual virtual symposium highlighting groundbreaking research in drug discovery, chemical synthesis, informatics and drug development. On Septembe...
Welcome to Labroots 1st Annual Event in the Microbiology Virtual Event Series free online conference! Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms...
Cardinal Health Laboratory Products First Annual Virtual Tradeshow. Want to join a world-class group of specialists from the laboratory diagnostic industry to learn about innovative products...
The theme of this conference is a range of genetics and genomics topics such as Bioinformatics and Quantitative Genomics, Cancer Detection, Cancer Genomics, Clinical Genomics, Complex Disease...
This event is now apart of the Neuroscience Virtual Event Series. The Veterinary Bioscience Institute and LabRoots, Inc. are pleased to announce the annual, two-day international, event in t...