Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that arises from the cervix. Almost all cervical cancers are either squamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas. All women are at risk for cervical cancer. It occurs most often in women over age 30.
Luminex's xMAP® Technology enables the evaluation of up to 500 analytes simultaneously in a single well, known as multiplexing. xMAP Technology uses color-coded microspheres as the substrate...
The Power of Omics is a three-day Thermo Fisher Scientific virtual event that focuses on harnessing the power of omics to advance scientific research. The virtual event will feature a series...
An industry leader in delivering instrument systems, reagents, and services to life science researchers,Beckman Coulter Life Sciences helps enable new discoveries in biology-based research...
Cardinal Health™ labXchange: A breakthrough idea for a non-traditional tradeshowCardinal Health™ labXchange is a no-cost online destination where lab professionals h...
This event is now apart of the Genetics Week Virtual Event Series. The 1st Annual Event in the Molecular Diagnostics Virtual Event Series is now On Demand! This premiere venue is for scienti...
The theme of this conference is a range of genetics and genomics topics such as RNAi, Next-generation sequencing, Cancer research, Sequencing, Genome-wide association studies GWAS, Epigenetic...
Luminex's xMAP® Technology enables the evaluation of up to 500 analytes simultaneously in a single well, known as multiplexing. xMAP Technology uses color-coded microspheres as the substrate...
The Power of Omics is a three-day Thermo Fisher Scientific virtual event that focuses on harnessing the power of omics to advance scientific research. The virtual event will feature a series...
An industry leader in delivering instrument systems, reagents, and services to life science researchers,Beckman Coulter Life Sciences helps enable new discoveries in biology-based research...
Cardinal Health™ labXchange: A breakthrough idea for a non-traditional tradeshowCardinal Health™ labXchange is a no-cost online destination where lab professionals h...
This event is now apart of the Genetics Week Virtual Event Series. The 1st Annual Event in the Molecular Diagnostics Virtual Event Series is now On Demand! This premiere venue is for scienti...
The theme of this conference is a range of genetics and genomics topics such as RNAi, Next-generation sequencing, Cancer research, Sequencing, Genome-wide association studies GWAS, Epigenetic...