Clinical Evaluation: is the assessment and analysis of clinical data pertaining to a medical device in order to verify the clinical safety and performance of the device.
D-dimer is used in the clinical evaluation of suspected venous thromboembolism (VTE). Newer measurement methods show high sensitivity for this test, and in combination with pretest probabilit...
The Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016 was the largest of its kind in history. This was the first outbreak that involved a randomized clinical trial for therapeutics, a...
The exponential advents of advances in techniques and types of molecular diagnostic testing, and modifying strategies for these tests, are encouraging; but these evolutions simultaneously con...
DATE: April 9, 2019TIME: 9:00 AM PDTWe will provide a general introduction to the Single-Cell Western Technology (SCW) and then present data from 2 ongoing projects from the Col...
Several clinical and preclinical studies implicate abnormal endocannabinoid functioning and neuroinflammation as possible mechanisms in the pathophysiology of autism. Correcting these abnorma...
In recent years, many countries have passed legislation regulating the use of cannabis for medical purposes. This has granted patients and clinicians access to both herbal material and cannab...
DATE: March 20, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDTMultiple aspects need to be considered when building a protein-based mass spectrometric assay such as the selection of signature peptide...
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer’s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack o...
Stimulation of human visual cortex is known to elicit visual perceptions that could potentially be used for restoring artificial vision to individuals who have lost their vision due to non-co...
The NIH BRAIN Initiative aims to develop new tools and neurotechnologies to transform our understanding of brain function in health and disease. That knowledge is critical to enable novel the...
The human brain has a remarkable ability to store and retrieve information. Detailed memories can be formed after as little as one exposure, and those memories can be retained for decades. Im...
In-vitro epithelial barrier models that are more representative of in-vivo tissues are urgently needed. Here we present extracellular matrix-supported intestinal tubules in a perfused microfl...
Dramatic responses observed with targeted agents in the ‘right’ genomic context have fueled large scale sequencing efforts to identify ‘effective’ treatments for a giv...
Surgery is the first line of treatment for Stage III melanoma. Often adjuvant therapy is administered post-surgery, which can include weeks of radiation, chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy,...
The lung is a highly complex organ, comprised of more than 40 cell types that are responsible for various important functions, the lung’s complexity contributes to the subsequent challe...
Experimental models that promise to replace animal tests that are currently required for drugs and chemicals are rapidly proliferating. This includes a number of novel solutions offered by bi...
In biomedical research, data should be treated as first-class corporate assets--they were expensive to create, they are expensive to maintain, and they have future business value. The petabyt...
The biologics development process is fraught with risks from pre-clinical studies through clinical evaluation. Prominent among these risks are changes in the critical quality attributes of th...
The main problem for insufficient cervical cancer screening globally (less than 20% women at risk) is outreach failure. Enabling POCs with modern IT/mobile technology and connecting them with...
DATE: November 13, 2018TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm ESTExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are cell-secreted nanoparticles that play a pivotal role in intercellular communic...
DATE: November 8, 2018TIME: 9:00AM PDTAnnual epidemics of influenza place a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States. CDC estimates that influenza has...
D-dimer is used in the clinical evaluation of suspected venous thromboembolism (VTE). Newer measurement methods show high sensitivity for this test, and in combination with pretest probabilit...
The Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016 was the largest of its kind in history. This was the first outbreak that involved a randomized clinical trial for therapeutics, a...
The exponential advents of advances in techniques and types of molecular diagnostic testing, and modifying strategies for these tests, are encouraging; but these evolutions simultaneously con...
DATE: April 9, 2019TIME: 9:00 AM PDTWe will provide a general introduction to the Single-Cell Western Technology (SCW) and then present data from 2 ongoing projects from the Col...
Several clinical and preclinical studies implicate abnormal endocannabinoid functioning and neuroinflammation as possible mechanisms in the pathophysiology of autism. Correcting these abnorma...
In recent years, many countries have passed legislation regulating the use of cannabis for medical purposes. This has granted patients and clinicians access to both herbal material and cannab...
DATE: March 20, 2019TIME: 8:00am PDTMultiple aspects need to be considered when building a protein-based mass spectrometric assay such as the selection of signature peptide...
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer’s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack o...
Stimulation of human visual cortex is known to elicit visual perceptions that could potentially be used for restoring artificial vision to individuals who have lost their vision due to non-co...
The NIH BRAIN Initiative aims to develop new tools and neurotechnologies to transform our understanding of brain function in health and disease. That knowledge is critical to enable novel the...
The human brain has a remarkable ability to store and retrieve information. Detailed memories can be formed after as little as one exposure, and those memories can be retained for decades. Im...
In-vitro epithelial barrier models that are more representative of in-vivo tissues are urgently needed. Here we present extracellular matrix-supported intestinal tubules in a perfused microfl...
Dramatic responses observed with targeted agents in the ‘right’ genomic context have fueled large scale sequencing efforts to identify ‘effective’ treatments for a giv...
Surgery is the first line of treatment for Stage III melanoma. Often adjuvant therapy is administered post-surgery, which can include weeks of radiation, chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy,...
The lung is a highly complex organ, comprised of more than 40 cell types that are responsible for various important functions, the lung’s complexity contributes to the subsequent challe...
Experimental models that promise to replace animal tests that are currently required for drugs and chemicals are rapidly proliferating. This includes a number of novel solutions offered by bi...
In biomedical research, data should be treated as first-class corporate assets--they were expensive to create, they are expensive to maintain, and they have future business value. The petabyt...
The biologics development process is fraught with risks from pre-clinical studies through clinical evaluation. Prominent among these risks are changes in the critical quality attributes of th...
The main problem for insufficient cervical cancer screening globally (less than 20% women at risk) is outreach failure. Enabling POCs with modern IT/mobile technology and connecting them with...
DATE: November 13, 2018TIME: 9:00am PST, 12:00pm ESTExtracellular vesicles (EVs) are cell-secreted nanoparticles that play a pivotal role in intercellular communic...
DATE: November 8, 2018TIME: 9:00AM PDTAnnual epidemics of influenza place a substantial burden on the health of people in the United States. CDC estimates that influenza has...