Complex Systems is a journal devoted to the science, mathematics and engineering of systems with simple components but complex overall behavior. It is concerned with identifying and characterizing common design elements that are observed across diverse natural, technological and social complex systems.
Cell Sciences Innovation, Merck Research Laboratories, 2015 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ USA
In vitro translational models play a critical role in the drug discovery process because t...
DATE: October 12, 2016
TIME: 9:30am CET, 10:30am Saudi-Qatar, 11:30am UAE
The CytoFLEX S is part of a revolutionary family of flow cytometers that deliver superior sensitivity a...
New generations of treatments successfully target cancer cell signaling and modulate anti-cancer immunity to improve outcomes for advanced-stage malignancies. Such clinical responses are gove...
DATE: October 4, 2016
TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET
Extracting robust expression data from clinical samples represents a unique opportunity to find actionable biomarkers. But it...
DATE: September 20th, 2016TIME: 7:00AM PST, 10:00AM ETThere is a growing trend towards developing in vitro cell models that recapitulate the in vivo environment in basic research,...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
The human enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from the neural crest and represents a complex network of ~500 million neurons with dozens of distinct neurotransmitter and hormone subtypes ...
One of the ultimate goals in Regenerative Medicine is the generation of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) directly from somatic cells obtained from patients. Although major findings in the defini...
The central nervous system (CNS) is a conglomerate of diverse, interconnected tissues that each contain cell phenotypes specific to their distinct anatomical region. Recent studies have demon...
DATE: July 20thTIME: 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 5PM CESTTherapies like ipilimumab and nivolumab have shown the potential for approaches that direct the patient’s own immune system aga...
Precision medicine requires success in two intertwined aspects: precision therapy and personalized medicine. Precision therapy is being able to effectively treat the right disease; to have th...
Antibodies are tremendously useful and versatile tools and they have found use in many areas of life science research. However, antibodies can be difficult to make and are used in inherently...
Western blotting is a dependable, trusted method for protein detection used by thousands of labs worldwide. While the process of western blotting often seems straightforward, different variab...
DATE: June 22, 2016
TIME: 9am Pacific time, 12pm Eastern time, 6pm Central European time
A large fraction of the RNA transcribed in eukaryotic cells is rapidly degraded in the nucleus. A ...
A quick look at the most recent new drug filings reveals how much interest there is in biologically derived molecules as therapeutic agents. The majority of the filings are for New Biological...
Network models are an invaluable tool for integrating multiple data types and for modeling interactions between biological elements. One common question that arises, however, is what to do wi...
Working with biology currently takes too long, costs too much, and fails too often. At the core of this is the complexity of the systems we are trying to understand, compounded by a lack of r...
The clinical utility of high-dimensional molecular profiling has been provisionally established in several domains of medicine. Today, interrogation of scores of genes and even whole ex...
Technological advances have made genomic sequencing more affordable, efficient, and available. Questions related to the implementation and effects of large-scale sequencing in healthcare have...
We are at a time where traditionally risk-adverse health care systems and their IT architecture are confronted with the deluge of data at a massive scale and tremendous variability. In many H...
It has been estimated that every human being carries ~20 rare “natural human gene knockouts”-DNA variants in protein-coding regions of the genome that partially or completely inac...
DATE: May 10th, 2016
TIME: 8:00am Pacific time, 11:00am Eastern time
Cancer is a complex, multifactorial disease that not only is a cause of major human suffering throughout history...
Complex recombinant protein biologics, such as monoclonal antibodies and coagulation factors, are key components of today’s biopharmaceutical industry. There are many effective paths fo...
Cell Sciences Innovation, Merck Research Laboratories, 2015 Galloping Hill Road, Kenilworth, NJ USA
In vitro translational models play a critical role in the drug discovery process because t...
DATE: October 12, 2016
TIME: 9:30am CET, 10:30am Saudi-Qatar, 11:30am UAE
The CytoFLEX S is part of a revolutionary family of flow cytometers that deliver superior sensitivity a...
New generations of treatments successfully target cancer cell signaling and modulate anti-cancer immunity to improve outcomes for advanced-stage malignancies. Such clinical responses are gove...
DATE: October 4, 2016
TIME: 8:00am PT, 11:00am ET
Extracting robust expression data from clinical samples represents a unique opportunity to find actionable biomarkers. But it...
DATE: September 20th, 2016TIME: 7:00AM PST, 10:00AM ETThere is a growing trend towards developing in vitro cell models that recapitulate the in vivo environment in basic research,...
The research community has begun correlating the makeup of individual microbiomes with disorders and diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis and cancer. To accomplish this, researchers must...
It is well accepted that microorganisms can exist as self-organized communities attached to surfaces and one another (i.e., biofilm), often surrounded by extracellular polymeric substances (E...
The human enteric nervous system (ENS) is derived from the neural crest and represents a complex network of ~500 million neurons with dozens of distinct neurotransmitter and hormone subtypes ...
One of the ultimate goals in Regenerative Medicine is the generation of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) directly from somatic cells obtained from patients. Although major findings in the defini...
The central nervous system (CNS) is a conglomerate of diverse, interconnected tissues that each contain cell phenotypes specific to their distinct anatomical region. Recent studies have demon...
DATE: July 20thTIME: 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 5PM CESTTherapies like ipilimumab and nivolumab have shown the potential for approaches that direct the patient’s own immune system aga...
Precision medicine requires success in two intertwined aspects: precision therapy and personalized medicine. Precision therapy is being able to effectively treat the right disease; to have th...
Antibodies are tremendously useful and versatile tools and they have found use in many areas of life science research. However, antibodies can be difficult to make and are used in inherently...
Western blotting is a dependable, trusted method for protein detection used by thousands of labs worldwide. While the process of western blotting often seems straightforward, different variab...
DATE: June 22, 2016
TIME: 9am Pacific time, 12pm Eastern time, 6pm Central European time
A large fraction of the RNA transcribed in eukaryotic cells is rapidly degraded in the nucleus. A ...
A quick look at the most recent new drug filings reveals how much interest there is in biologically derived molecules as therapeutic agents. The majority of the filings are for New Biological...
Network models are an invaluable tool for integrating multiple data types and for modeling interactions between biological elements. One common question that arises, however, is what to do wi...
Working with biology currently takes too long, costs too much, and fails too often. At the core of this is the complexity of the systems we are trying to understand, compounded by a lack of r...
The clinical utility of high-dimensional molecular profiling has been provisionally established in several domains of medicine. Today, interrogation of scores of genes and even whole ex...
Technological advances have made genomic sequencing more affordable, efficient, and available. Questions related to the implementation and effects of large-scale sequencing in healthcare have...
We are at a time where traditionally risk-adverse health care systems and their IT architecture are confronted with the deluge of data at a massive scale and tremendous variability. In many H...
It has been estimated that every human being carries ~20 rare “natural human gene knockouts”-DNA variants in protein-coding regions of the genome that partially or completely inac...
DATE: May 10th, 2016
TIME: 8:00am Pacific time, 11:00am Eastern time
Cancer is a complex, multifactorial disease that not only is a cause of major human suffering throughout history...
Complex recombinant protein biologics, such as monoclonal antibodies and coagulation factors, are key components of today’s biopharmaceutical industry. There are many effective paths fo...