Heart Rate Variability: (HRV) is the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats. It is measured by the variation in the beat-to-beat interval.
The International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing open-access guidance documents to enhance the quality of laboratory tes...
APR 22, 2020 | 8:00 AM
Rapid access to high quality comprehensive coagulation test results is critical to patient care. In an environment where clinical laboratories constantly experience price and labor pressure,...
APR 20, 2020 | 8:00 AM
This talk will cover different approaches to emergency hemostasis testing for patients that are actively bleeding due to trauma, surgery, obstetrical emergencies and other causes. The talk i...
FEB 05, 2020 | 8:00 AM
The compendium of newly emerging and currently available hemophilia and anticoagulant treatments, while offering new choices for improved patient care, can create significant levels of inter...
Derivation of many different cell types from human pluripotent stem cells (embryonic stem cells or HESCs and induced pluripotent stem cells or hiPS cells) is an area of growing interest both ...