M-Learning: or mobile learning is "learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices". A form of distance education, m-learners use mobile device educational technology at their time convenience.
To identify genetic variants in archival human samples, researchers need a powerful NGS platform that can accommodate input DNA and RNA that is often low quality and/or low quantity. This ch...
Using an independent Quality Control material provides several advantages over a first- or second-party QC. This presentation will describe some actual lab QC troubleshooting steps used and...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
While circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and to some extend CTCs from blood are routinely used as analyte in liquid biopsy cancer research applications, circulating cell-free RNA (ccfRNA) ha...
Multiplex detection of oncogenic mutations using LNA-based assays on the QIAcuity digital PCR system Digital PCR (dPCR) enables specific and sensitive detection of genetic alterations in onc...
RNA plays important and diverse roles in biology, but molecular tools to manipulate and measure RNA are limited. We demonstrate that RNA-targeting CRISPR effector Cas13 can be engineered for...
While transformative, first-generation CRISPR technologies remain limited across multiple important dimensions including scalability, editing efficiency, types of modifications available, an...
An extensively debated concern about CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing is that unspecific guide RNA (gRNA) binding may induce off-target mutations. However, accurate prediction of CRISPR-Cas9 off-t...
CRISPR experiments are a powerful tool which are easy to carry out, however it is more difficult to determine the outcome of these experiments, and to ensure that only the desired targets we...
This panel of retail executives will discuss how they're adapting to the pandemic and increasing basket size amidst curbside pick-up and delivery. They will also offer recommendations fo...
DATE: September 24th, 2020 TIME: 08:00am PT Centrifuge separates particles by density but do you know what type centrifuges are used at the different steps of a bioprocess workflow and what...
Suspension by day, imaging by night: how to efficiently manage your system and optimize utilization Presented By: Jared K. Burks, PhD Mass cytometry, be it suspension or imaging, opens the d...
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are well-known for their detrimental effects leading to oxidative stress, cell death, aging, and degenerative disorders. However, there is increasing evidence t...
PerkinElmer is a global leader in the development of instrumentation and probes for small animal non-invasive imaging, including optical and µCT imaging. Through optical imaging, we ha...
Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the role of the US federal government in testing and other disease containment strategies 2. To understand how US federalism led to a diversity of respo...
Enigmatic and often vilified, viruses are now known to play important and possibly indispensable roles in the biology and ecology of cellular organisms. Evidence of viral impacts are everywh...
The selective pressure placed on the resident microbiota by local changes in the host environment – DNA damage, chronic inflammation, metabolic shifts, barrier damage, reduced immunosu...
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that is caused by the immune system’s inability to respond appropriately to an infection. How sepsis can change the gut microbiome in ways that a...
The transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) to pathogenic microbes is a major concern in modern medicine. Antibiotic therapies are often rendered ineffective by horizontal acquisiti...
Viruses are the causative agents of approximately 12% of human cancers. The most recently discovered herpesvirus, Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) is known to cause three human canc...
Epidemics are occurring at an increasing pace and scale. Our laboratory group has developed platform technologies for discovery of broad and potent neutralizing antibodies for many emerging...
Most currently used conventional influenza vaccines are based on 1940s technology. Advances in immunogen design and vaccine delivery emerging over the last decade open novel opportunities fo...
Date: September 4, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PTD), 11:00am (ETD) Direct detection of viral RNA in human or other animal cells by RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) is a powerful tool to establish the...
To identify genetic variants in archival human samples, researchers need a powerful NGS platform that can accommodate input DNA and RNA that is often low quality and/or low quantity. This ch...
Using an independent Quality Control material provides several advantages over a first- or second-party QC. This presentation will describe some actual lab QC troubleshooting steps used and...
Solid phase extraction has become a preferable technique for reducing matrix effects for sample preparation due to its ease of use and limited time requirements. MilliporeSigma has launched...
Pesticides are routinely applied to crops to prevent or control pests and are therefore routinely tested for the presence of pesticide residues and to check for compliance with permitted Max...
While circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) and to some extend CTCs from blood are routinely used as analyte in liquid biopsy cancer research applications, circulating cell-free RNA (ccfRNA) ha...
Multiplex detection of oncogenic mutations using LNA-based assays on the QIAcuity digital PCR system Digital PCR (dPCR) enables specific and sensitive detection of genetic alterations in onc...
RNA plays important and diverse roles in biology, but molecular tools to manipulate and measure RNA are limited. We demonstrate that RNA-targeting CRISPR effector Cas13 can be engineered for...
While transformative, first-generation CRISPR technologies remain limited across multiple important dimensions including scalability, editing efficiency, types of modifications available, an...
An extensively debated concern about CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing is that unspecific guide RNA (gRNA) binding may induce off-target mutations. However, accurate prediction of CRISPR-Cas9 off-t...
CRISPR experiments are a powerful tool which are easy to carry out, however it is more difficult to determine the outcome of these experiments, and to ensure that only the desired targets we...
This panel of retail executives will discuss how they're adapting to the pandemic and increasing basket size amidst curbside pick-up and delivery. They will also offer recommendations fo...
DATE: September 24th, 2020 TIME: 08:00am PT Centrifuge separates particles by density but do you know what type centrifuges are used at the different steps of a bioprocess workflow and what...
Suspension by day, imaging by night: how to efficiently manage your system and optimize utilization Presented By: Jared K. Burks, PhD Mass cytometry, be it suspension or imaging, opens the d...
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are well-known for their detrimental effects leading to oxidative stress, cell death, aging, and degenerative disorders. However, there is increasing evidence t...
PerkinElmer is a global leader in the development of instrumentation and probes for small animal non-invasive imaging, including optical and µCT imaging. Through optical imaging, we ha...
Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the role of the US federal government in testing and other disease containment strategies 2. To understand how US federalism led to a diversity of respo...
Enigmatic and often vilified, viruses are now known to play important and possibly indispensable roles in the biology and ecology of cellular organisms. Evidence of viral impacts are everywh...
The selective pressure placed on the resident microbiota by local changes in the host environment – DNA damage, chronic inflammation, metabolic shifts, barrier damage, reduced immunosu...
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that is caused by the immune system’s inability to respond appropriately to an infection. How sepsis can change the gut microbiome in ways that a...
The transfer of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) to pathogenic microbes is a major concern in modern medicine. Antibiotic therapies are often rendered ineffective by horizontal acquisiti...
Viruses are the causative agents of approximately 12% of human cancers. The most recently discovered herpesvirus, Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) is known to cause three human canc...
Epidemics are occurring at an increasing pace and scale. Our laboratory group has developed platform technologies for discovery of broad and potent neutralizing antibodies for many emerging...
Most currently used conventional influenza vaccines are based on 1940s technology. Advances in immunogen design and vaccine delivery emerging over the last decade open novel opportunities fo...
Date: September 4, 2020 Time: 8:00am (PTD), 11:00am (ETD) Direct detection of viral RNA in human or other animal cells by RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) is a powerful tool to establish the...