Microparticles: are particles between 0.1 and 100 μm in size. They are available in a wide variety of materials, including ceramics, glass, polymers, and metals. Microparticles include pollen, sand, dust, flour, and powdered sugar.
We have developed 3D-shaped hydrogel microparticle platforms to capture cells, as well as isolate and label their secretions. These “lab on a particle” systems enable sorting cel...
Many questions at the forefront of biology depend on the interactions of millions of single cells. My lab develops technologies for studying large numbers of single cells. In this talk, I wi...
Techniques to analyze and sort single cells based on secreted products have the potential to transform our understanding of cellular biology as well as accelerate the development of next gen...
DATE: June 18, 2019TIME: 08:00am PDTAnalytical Ultracentrifugation (AUC) is one of the most powerful biophysical tools used today for the characterization of biological samples ranging...
The ultimate limits of diagnostics in biology are the “quantum” units that convey information, e.g. single nucleic acids, proteins, and cells. Microfluidics has emerged as a power...
Over the past decade, there has been a rapid growth in studies of secreted membrane vesicles, collectively called extracellular vesicles (EVs). (1) The release of EVs has been reported in the...