Neurosurgery: the medical specialty concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and extra-cranial cerebrovascular system. In neurosurgery, there is a higher risk of further nerve damage and infection which may result in paralysis. Neurosurgery, or the premeditated incision into the head for pain relief, has been around for thousands of years, but notable advancements in neurosurgery have only come within the last hundred years.
Date: November 16, 2022 Time: 2:00pm (AEST) Date: November 17, 2022 7:00pm (PST), 10:00pm (EST), 4:00am (CET) The growth in FDA-approved cell and gene therapy products for the treatment of d...
Behavior in complex environments requires decisions that flexibly combine stimulus representations with context, goals, and memory. Two key aspects of such cognitive flexibility are the retr...
Treatment-resistant depression is an immense source of disability and suffering, and represents a major unmet clinical need for innovative and effective therapies. Deep brain stimulation tri...
Brain wave synchronization, also called neuronal coherence, is a fundamental mechanism of communication in the brain, where synchronized field potentials coordinate synaptic and spiking even...
We present intracranial recordings that tap into some elementary components of linguistic meaning, with implications for our understanding of sentence processing and the distribution of conc...
Date: December 16, 2021 Time: 6:00am (PST), 9:00am (EST), 3:00pm (CET) Learning Objectives: Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event....
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT) The Global Scar Society was formed to gain consensus for and promote best practice in the prevention and treatment of abnormal & e...
Episodic memories are essential for human cognition, but the underlying neural mechanisms remain poorly understood. We utilize the opportunity to record in-vivo from human single neurons sim...
Brain machine interfaces (BMIs) aim to help patients with paralysis to use their recorded brain activity to control assistive devices. BMI research requires the collaboration of neuroscienti...
The public health burden of Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) has prompted clinical trials of deep brain stimulation (DBS) that have, unfortunately, produced inconsistent outcomes. Potent...
Although neuroscience has provided a great deal of information about how neurons work, the fundamental question of how neurons function together in a network to produce cognition has been di...
The US Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies is a research program focused on building fundamental knowledge of how brain circuits process information to enable human...
Brain machine interfaces or neural prosthetics have the potential to restore movement to people with paralysis or amputation, bridging gaps in the nervous system with an artificial device. M...
Recent technological advancements in neuroprosthetics allow for wireless recording and stimulation of brain activity in freely moving human participants. At the same time, advancements in vi...
This presentation will present findings from studies based on Danish nationwide registers investigating the link between all treated infections and the risk of mental disorders. The studies w...
The immune system is linked to an increasing number of medical diseases, including lately also severe mental disorders. Hence, infections, autoimmunity and other immune responses could be inv...
Batten disease or the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLss) are each the result of inherited mutations that result in lysosomal dysfunction. Some of these disorders are due to deficiencies i...
An actual way of understanding complex systems in psychology and psychiatry is by building mathematical models on the functioning of mental, behavioral, or neural systems (computational syste...
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer’s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack o...
The contemporary understanding of psychiatric disorders typically consists of a vast but often poorly interrelated set of facts and hypotheses that fail to coalesce into an integrated whole....
Substantial evidence demonstrates that schizophrenia involves a dysregulated dopamine system, potentially driven by overactivity in the hippocampus. Postmortem studies of schizophrenia brains...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an established therapy for cardinal motor signs and medication-related complications in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current DBS therapy is limited to &ldqu...
Plasticity in the brain is very extensive due to the brain’s parallel architecture and synaptic reorganization capabilities. Because neuronal populations are typically in stable low e...
Actions are not mediated solely by cortical processes but rely on communication within basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops. Speech is one example, although how the basal ganglia participate i...
Date: November 16, 2022 Time: 2:00pm (AEST) Date: November 17, 2022 7:00pm (PST), 10:00pm (EST), 4:00am (CET) The growth in FDA-approved cell and gene therapy products for the treatment of d...
Behavior in complex environments requires decisions that flexibly combine stimulus representations with context, goals, and memory. Two key aspects of such cognitive flexibility are the retr...
Treatment-resistant depression is an immense source of disability and suffering, and represents a major unmet clinical need for innovative and effective therapies. Deep brain stimulation tri...
Brain wave synchronization, also called neuronal coherence, is a fundamental mechanism of communication in the brain, where synchronized field potentials coordinate synaptic and spiking even...
We present intracranial recordings that tap into some elementary components of linguistic meaning, with implications for our understanding of sentence processing and the distribution of conc...
Date: December 16, 2021 Time: 6:00am (PST), 9:00am (EST), 3:00pm (CET) Learning Objectives: Webinars will be available for unlimited on-demand viewing after live event....
Date: November 4, 2020 Time: 6:00am (PDT), 9:00am (EDT) The Global Scar Society was formed to gain consensus for and promote best practice in the prevention and treatment of abnormal & e...
Episodic memories are essential for human cognition, but the underlying neural mechanisms remain poorly understood. We utilize the opportunity to record in-vivo from human single neurons sim...
Brain machine interfaces (BMIs) aim to help patients with paralysis to use their recorded brain activity to control assistive devices. BMI research requires the collaboration of neuroscienti...
The public health burden of Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) has prompted clinical trials of deep brain stimulation (DBS) that have, unfortunately, produced inconsistent outcomes. Potent...
Although neuroscience has provided a great deal of information about how neurons work, the fundamental question of how neurons function together in a network to produce cognition has been di...
The US Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies is a research program focused on building fundamental knowledge of how brain circuits process information to enable human...
Brain machine interfaces or neural prosthetics have the potential to restore movement to people with paralysis or amputation, bridging gaps in the nervous system with an artificial device. M...
Recent technological advancements in neuroprosthetics allow for wireless recording and stimulation of brain activity in freely moving human participants. At the same time, advancements in vi...
This presentation will present findings from studies based on Danish nationwide registers investigating the link between all treated infections and the risk of mental disorders. The studies w...
The immune system is linked to an increasing number of medical diseases, including lately also severe mental disorders. Hence, infections, autoimmunity and other immune responses could be inv...
Batten disease or the Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses (NCLss) are each the result of inherited mutations that result in lysosomal dysfunction. Some of these disorders are due to deficiencies i...
An actual way of understanding complex systems in psychology and psychiatry is by building mathematical models on the functioning of mental, behavioral, or neural systems (computational syste...
Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD) is the most common form of dementia worldwide. To date, animal models of Alzheimer’s have focused on rare familial mutations, due to a lack o...
The contemporary understanding of psychiatric disorders typically consists of a vast but often poorly interrelated set of facts and hypotheses that fail to coalesce into an integrated whole....
Substantial evidence demonstrates that schizophrenia involves a dysregulated dopamine system, potentially driven by overactivity in the hippocampus. Postmortem studies of schizophrenia brains...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an established therapy for cardinal motor signs and medication-related complications in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current DBS therapy is limited to &ldqu...
Plasticity in the brain is very extensive due to the brain’s parallel architecture and synaptic reorganization capabilities. Because neuronal populations are typically in stable low e...
Actions are not mediated solely by cortical processes but rely on communication within basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops. Speech is one example, although how the basal ganglia participate i...