Protein Binding: Protein binding can enhance or detract from a drug's performance. As a general rule, agents that are minimally protein bound penetrate tissue better than those that are highly bound, but they are excreted much faster. Among drugs that are less than 80-85 percent protein bound, differences appear to be of slight clinical importance. Agents that are highly protein bound may, however, differ markedly from those that are minimally bound in terms of tissue penetration and half-life. Drugs may bind to a wide variety of plasma proteins, including albumin. If the percentage of protein-bound drug is greater when measured in human blood than in a simple albumin solution, the clinician should suspect that the agent may be bound in vivo to one of these "minority" plasma proteins. The concentration of several plasma proteins can be altered by many factors, including stress, surgery, liver or kidney dysfunction, and pregnancy. In such circumstances, free drug concentrations are a more accurate index of clinical effect than are total concentrations. Formulary committees must grasp the clinical significance of qualitative and quantitative differences in protein binding when evaluating competing agents.
Respiratory viral infections remain a leading cause of medical visits and can contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. Influenza, together with pneumonia, is the leading infectio...
Biofilm is an ancient and preferred mode of growth for microbes with 99% of all microbes residing in a biofilm. Biofilm is characterized by a community of microbes (usually polymicrobial ofte...
The Pharmaceutical Industry has a diverse set of products all with varying level of microbial risk to patients. On the low risk extreme there are topical pharmaceuticals on the other extreme...
The world–as microbes perceive it–is composed of physical and chemical stimuli. These stimuli create conditions that result in life or death for microbes, affecting their survival...
Polyamines are small, mostly linear organic molecules found in almost all living cells, and are positively charged at physiological pH. As a consequence of their positive charge, polyamines b...
DNASTAR offers an integrated suite of software for accurate assembly and analysis of sequence data for key NGS workflows, including microbial genome assembly. The DNASTAR assembly software is...
Rapid advances in sequencing technology and spectroscopy have led to new measurements of the microbiome. Labs make choices based on their environment of interest and the questions they wish t...
Advances in sequencing technology and increasing recognition of the importance of our microbial world have led to unprecedented discoveries in recent years with respect to the human microbiom...
The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with...
This presentation will discuss fundamental physical, chemical, and biological concepts important to understanding control of detrimental biofilms. Four phenomena that are important in the act...
Among many surprising insights, the genomic revolution has helped us to realize that we're never alone and, in fact, barely human. For most of our lives, we share our bodies with some ten ti...
Human microbiome projects have delivered our first glimpse into the microbial communities that reside in and on our bodies. Building on these efforts the research community has begun to corre...
Managing microbial contaminants is critical during the manufacturing of biologics, food and beverage to ensure that products meet the high quality product standard as well as staying complian...
Exosomes are small secreted vesicles that have a diameter of ~50-200 nm. Exosomes are enriched for a specific subset of host-derived proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates, though ...
Consistent accuracy in reporting quantitative viral load results is critically important to patients, their physicians and to the clinical laboratory. In clinical practice, quantitative viral...
Structural pathways are important. They are essential to the understanding of how oncogenic mutations work and to figuring out alternative parallel pathways in drug resistant mutants. Structu...
AUC sedimentation velocity (SV) has a longstanding reputation as being the gold standard for the matrix free quantification of aggregates in biopharmaceuticals. The continuous c(S) ...
I will describe recent advances in computational protein design which allow the generation of new protein structures and functions. I will describe the use of these methods to design ultra-s...
In the past decade, we have witnessed an explosion in the availability of high-resolution structural information that sheds light on the binding of diverse classes of ligands to both soluble...
The ENCODE and modENCODE consortia have generated a resource containing large amounts of transcriptomic data, extensive mapping of chromatin states, as well as the binding locations of >30...
Traditional testing methods for monoclonal protein in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias correctly identify a majority of patients. However, limitations in these methods can cause patients to be missed...
Variability of vitamin D results remains a hot topic today as more options are available to laboratories. This webinar examines how clinical and analytical factors such as vitamin D binding...
ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates cholesterol efflux to lipid-free apolipoproteins such as apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and apolipoprotein E (apoE). ABCA1 is essential regul...
Synaptic dysfunction and loss caused by age-dependent accumulation of synaptotoxic Amyloid beta (Abeta)1-42 oligomers is proposed to underlie cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease (AD). Syn...
Respiratory viral infections remain a leading cause of medical visits and can contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. Influenza, together with pneumonia, is the leading infectio...
Biofilm is an ancient and preferred mode of growth for microbes with 99% of all microbes residing in a biofilm. Biofilm is characterized by a community of microbes (usually polymicrobial ofte...
The Pharmaceutical Industry has a diverse set of products all with varying level of microbial risk to patients. On the low risk extreme there are topical pharmaceuticals on the other extreme...
The world–as microbes perceive it–is composed of physical and chemical stimuli. These stimuli create conditions that result in life or death for microbes, affecting their survival...
Polyamines are small, mostly linear organic molecules found in almost all living cells, and are positively charged at physiological pH. As a consequence of their positive charge, polyamines b...
DNASTAR offers an integrated suite of software for accurate assembly and analysis of sequence data for key NGS workflows, including microbial genome assembly. The DNASTAR assembly software is...
Rapid advances in sequencing technology and spectroscopy have led to new measurements of the microbiome. Labs make choices based on their environment of interest and the questions they wish t...
Advances in sequencing technology and increasing recognition of the importance of our microbial world have led to unprecedented discoveries in recent years with respect to the human microbiom...
The human race, like all macrobiological life, evolved in a sea of microbes. There was no way to keep the bacterial and archaeal hoards at bay, so instead life evolved mechanisms to live with...
This presentation will discuss fundamental physical, chemical, and biological concepts important to understanding control of detrimental biofilms. Four phenomena that are important in the act...
Among many surprising insights, the genomic revolution has helped us to realize that we're never alone and, in fact, barely human. For most of our lives, we share our bodies with some ten ti...
Human microbiome projects have delivered our first glimpse into the microbial communities that reside in and on our bodies. Building on these efforts the research community has begun to corre...
Managing microbial contaminants is critical during the manufacturing of biologics, food and beverage to ensure that products meet the high quality product standard as well as staying complian...
Exosomes are small secreted vesicles that have a diameter of ~50-200 nm. Exosomes are enriched for a specific subset of host-derived proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates, though ...
Consistent accuracy in reporting quantitative viral load results is critically important to patients, their physicians and to the clinical laboratory. In clinical practice, quantitative viral...
Structural pathways are important. They are essential to the understanding of how oncogenic mutations work and to figuring out alternative parallel pathways in drug resistant mutants. Structu...
AUC sedimentation velocity (SV) has a longstanding reputation as being the gold standard for the matrix free quantification of aggregates in biopharmaceuticals. The continuous c(S) ...
I will describe recent advances in computational protein design which allow the generation of new protein structures and functions. I will describe the use of these methods to design ultra-s...
In the past decade, we have witnessed an explosion in the availability of high-resolution structural information that sheds light on the binding of diverse classes of ligands to both soluble...
The ENCODE and modENCODE consortia have generated a resource containing large amounts of transcriptomic data, extensive mapping of chromatin states, as well as the binding locations of >30...
Traditional testing methods for monoclonal protein in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias correctly identify a majority of patients. However, limitations in these methods can cause patients to be missed...
Variability of vitamin D results remains a hot topic today as more options are available to laboratories. This webinar examines how clinical and analytical factors such as vitamin D binding...
ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates cholesterol efflux to lipid-free apolipoproteins such as apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and apolipoprotein E (apoE). ABCA1 is essential regul...
Synaptic dysfunction and loss caused by age-dependent accumulation of synaptotoxic Amyloid beta (Abeta)1-42 oligomers is proposed to underlie cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease (AD). Syn...