Research and Development: innovative activities performed by corporations or governments for the creation, discovery and advancement of services and products.
There is increasing evidence that intracellular miRNAs play a role in the pathogenesis of many complex disease phenotypes. In addition, extracellular miRNAs in exosomes are emerging as...
The Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge Portal is an open-access resource for human genetic information on type 2 diabetes (T2D). It is a central repository for data from large genomic studies that ide...
In this presentation I will describe results from a family study designed to identify the genetic cause for familial clustering of several early onset cancers. Data from next generatio...
MAY 09, 2018 | 10:30 AM
Complex disease phenotypes - obesity, type II diabetes, and cancer challenge simple models in both evolution and biology. Examination of molecular networks and their dynamic behavior o...
MAY 09, 2018 | 9:00 AM
Dr. Sigrid Reinsch will discuss NASA’s GeneLab Project whose goal is to develop a unique publicly accessible repository and collaborative workspace that hosts multi-omics datasets gener...