Research and Development: innovative activities performed by corporations or governments for the creation, discovery and advancement of services and products.
The Whiteson lab uses culture-independent metagenomics, metabolomics, and ecological statistics along with hypothesis driven, reductionist microbiology to answer questions about how bacteria...
Ready or not, direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is here and it is here to stay. As technologies continue to make genetic testing more affordable and accessible to the masses, more indi...
Polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple medications, is growing at an alarming rate with reports documenting a range of 12 to 22 prescriptions being used on average by individuals >...
Screening for Down syndrome began with the question "How old will you be when you deliver?". If the pregnant woman answered 35 years of age or older, she was offered amniocent...
On March 16, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for tumor profiling i...
Historically single cell isolation techniques suffered from poor efficiency, low recovery and difficult automation, among other limitations. This presentation will highlight cellenONE, a piez...
Advancements and innovation in in vitro diagnostic device (IVD) development are important for the success of personalized medicine. This is highlighted by the dramatic increase in the number...
DATE: April 4, 2018TIME: 09:00am PDT, 12:00pm CEST Multiplex is the ability to characterize three or more biomarkers on a single tissue section. The technique enables the combi...
Cannabidiol (CBD) has emerged as a promising anti-epileptic drug in otherwise treatment-resistant genetic epileptic disorders. However, the clinical trials have been limited by their use of C...
For a plant that has been legal in some states for over 20 years, there has been an attitude that “cannabis never killed anyone.” While we don’t have the necessary rese...
Pesticide residue screening is a pre-sale requirement for all states which have legalized the recreational or adult use of cannabis and cannabis related products. In the absence of guid...
It has only been in the last 20 years that we, the scientific/medical community, have appreciated the role of the endogenous Cannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining a healthy immune system an...
Eden Labs Founder Fritz Chess, has been applying his intense curiosity on the effects of botanicals on human health and wellbeing to the extraction equipment industry for over 20 years. ...
As more research on cannabis surfaces, families are increasingly looking into treating theirchild’s debilitating conditions with medical cannabis. Most do not know where to begin with...
The cannabis industry as a whole is under considerable scrutiny. Finger-pointing and blame regarding inaccurate product labels run rampant. Media outlets have often faulted the sk...
ASTM has been around for 120 years providing solutions using the expertise of industry stakeholders. 148 Technical committees are comprised of 30,000 industry stakeholders, representing...
Studies have demonstrated how cannabis may contribute to cancer treatment not only by treating symptoms but also by: cancer cell apoptoss, anti-proliferation, anti-metastatic and anti-angioge...
Testing is performed on cannabis and cannabis based products to ensure both quality and safety. The types of assays conducted often fall into one of two categories; profiling and...
For 100 years the cannabis plant has been demonized, made illegal, and kept from researchers. Recently, states have begun to take the situation into their own hands, enabling patients to...
Analysis of pesticides in cannabis is essential to protect the public health, especially medical cannabis patients. Sensitive and selective measurement is required in order to provide confide...
With 46 states having some form of medical cannabis program to date, we are experiencing a “green rush” where everyone is trying to sell some type of cannabis products to parents/...
Paul will discuss his journey from a cannabis sceptic several years ago to being a major advocate for the medical use of cannabis as a treatment option. He will discuss such areas as: C...
More than half of the states around the country have legalized marijuana laws that permit individuals to use marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. However, the possession and...
The Whiteson lab uses culture-independent metagenomics, metabolomics, and ecological statistics along with hypothesis driven, reductionist microbiology to answer questions about how bacteria...
Ready or not, direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is here and it is here to stay. As technologies continue to make genetic testing more affordable and accessible to the masses, more indi...
Polypharmacy, the simultaneous use of multiple medications, is growing at an alarming rate with reports documenting a range of 12 to 22 prescriptions being used on average by individuals >...
Screening for Down syndrome began with the question "How old will you be when you deliver?". If the pregnant woman answered 35 years of age or older, she was offered amniocent...
On March 16, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for tumor profiling i...
Historically single cell isolation techniques suffered from poor efficiency, low recovery and difficult automation, among other limitations. This presentation will highlight cellenONE, a piez...
Advancements and innovation in in vitro diagnostic device (IVD) development are important for the success of personalized medicine. This is highlighted by the dramatic increase in the number...
DATE: April 4, 2018TIME: 09:00am PDT, 12:00pm CEST Multiplex is the ability to characterize three or more biomarkers on a single tissue section. The technique enables the combi...
Cannabidiol (CBD) has emerged as a promising anti-epileptic drug in otherwise treatment-resistant genetic epileptic disorders. However, the clinical trials have been limited by their use of C...
For a plant that has been legal in some states for over 20 years, there has been an attitude that “cannabis never killed anyone.” While we don’t have the necessary rese...
Pesticide residue screening is a pre-sale requirement for all states which have legalized the recreational or adult use of cannabis and cannabis related products. In the absence of guid...
It has only been in the last 20 years that we, the scientific/medical community, have appreciated the role of the endogenous Cannabinoid system (ECS) in maintaining a healthy immune system an...
Eden Labs Founder Fritz Chess, has been applying his intense curiosity on the effects of botanicals on human health and wellbeing to the extraction equipment industry for over 20 years. ...
As more research on cannabis surfaces, families are increasingly looking into treating theirchild’s debilitating conditions with medical cannabis. Most do not know where to begin with...
The cannabis industry as a whole is under considerable scrutiny. Finger-pointing and blame regarding inaccurate product labels run rampant. Media outlets have often faulted the sk...
ASTM has been around for 120 years providing solutions using the expertise of industry stakeholders. 148 Technical committees are comprised of 30,000 industry stakeholders, representing...
Studies have demonstrated how cannabis may contribute to cancer treatment not only by treating symptoms but also by: cancer cell apoptoss, anti-proliferation, anti-metastatic and anti-angioge...
Testing is performed on cannabis and cannabis based products to ensure both quality and safety. The types of assays conducted often fall into one of two categories; profiling and...
For 100 years the cannabis plant has been demonized, made illegal, and kept from researchers. Recently, states have begun to take the situation into their own hands, enabling patients to...
Analysis of pesticides in cannabis is essential to protect the public health, especially medical cannabis patients. Sensitive and selective measurement is required in order to provide confide...
With 46 states having some form of medical cannabis program to date, we are experiencing a “green rush” where everyone is trying to sell some type of cannabis products to parents/...
Paul will discuss his journey from a cannabis sceptic several years ago to being a major advocate for the medical use of cannabis as a treatment option. He will discuss such areas as: C...
More than half of the states around the country have legalized marijuana laws that permit individuals to use marijuana for medical or recreational purposes. However, the possession and...