Translational Research: involves the application of knowledge gained through basic research to studies that could support the development of new products. For example, translational research in the field of medicine may involve using knowledge of the biology of a disease to identify and evaluate chemical compounds in disease models, with a view to selecting potential candidate drugs to advance into clinical trials.
A hypoxic tumour microenvironment is a feature of solid tumours. Many tumour types contain high fractions of hypoxic tissue. The relationship between high levels of tumour hypoxia and a poor...
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a dramatic toll worldwide. Its impact possibly has been the most palpable amongst uniquely vulnerable groups of patients, such as patients with a cancer diagn...
Esophageal adenocarcinoma [EAC] is the fastest growing in incidence cancer in the US over the last 25 years, while also having a 5 year survival of less than 20%. Barrett’s Esophagus [...
Objective : Evaluation of EDTA-gel blood collection tubes from remote locations for NIPS (Non-invasive prenatal testing). Design: Paired comparisons Population: 61 pregnant women from Britis...
APR 19, 2022 | 1:30 PM
Regardless of method, single cell RNA-seq only captures a small fraction of the transcriptome of each cell. Often, this is due to inherent limitations of the methodology as reads ‘drop...