A study published in the Journal of Cannabis Research assessed cannabis use in the state of Kentucky before the implementation of legal medical cannabis in 2025.
The research team evaluated cannabis use rates and related demographic, socioeconomic, and geographic factors. The study also explored reasons for cannabis use and modes of consumption among Kentucky cannabis users.
The researchers compiled data from the Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data for 2020–2021. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) administers this cross-sectional annual telephone survey to gauge health-related risk behaviors, health conditions, and use of preventive services. The BRFSS assesses core modules in every state annually, and states select optional modules to include each year. Kentucky included an optional "Marijuana Use" module in 2020 and 2021. The research team estimated current cannabis consumption (at least once in the past 30 days) and heavy use (at least 20 in the past 30 days) prevalence rates for Appalachian, Center, and Delta geographic regions of the Bluegrass State.
One finding indicated that cannabis use prevalence was lower in Kentucky (10%) than nationwide (roughly 13%). 42% of cannabis consumers use it daily or every other day. These consumers were primarily male and between the ages of 18–34. They were also predominantly single and African American, with a lower household income and high school graduation rates. Residents in the Central region were more likely to use cannabis.
The mode of cannabis consumption varied among age groups, income groups, education levels, and marital status. Smoking cannabis was the most common mode (approximately 78%). Roughly 33% of individuals reported using cannabis for the sole reason of recreational, while 24% used cannabis strictly for medical reasons. About 43% used cannabis for both recreational and medical purposes.
Kentucky launched its legal medical cannabis program on January 1, 2025. 90% of Kentucky adults supported medical cannabis legalization. This study provides valuable data regarding statewide patterns of cannabis consumption before the start of Kentucky's medical cannabis program.
Source: Journal of Cannabis Research