Dispensary warning signs about the potential health effects of using cannabis while pregnant may be ineffective, found a new study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol And Drugs.
In five US states where recreational cannabis has been legalized, dispensaries are required to display warning signs about the risks of cannabis use during pregnancy. However, while previous research has demonstrated negative health consequences linked to cannabis use during pregnancy, studies also show that people tend not to trust information on signs.
In the current study, researchers investigated the perspectives and preferences of pregnant or recently pregnant women from multiple states on mandatory warning signs for cannabis use during pregnancy. To do so, they carried out in-depth interviews with 34 women and conducted thematic analyses of the transcripts.
Ultimately, the researchers found that most participants negatively regarded mandatory warning signs for cannabis use during pregnancy. Many suggested that the signs may have negative and stigmatizing effects on pregnant women who use cannabis and thus discourage them from seeking healthcare.
“I still think the dispensary is not the place because if you're pregnant and you have a phone, you've already done your research on it … (If) we're talking about putting it in a dispensary… I just think that that's about as effective as having, like, those abortion protestors in front of, like, the abortion clinics. I don't think that it's doing anything other than shaming the people that are going in," said one of the interviewees in the study.
Over half of the respondents added that scientific evidence is insufficient to justify such warning warning signs. Many also noted the signs are unlikely to prevent pregnant women from using the substance, and that vague or fear-based messages, distrust in government, and the location and timings of the signs undermine their underlying intent.
“More work is needed to develop health information resources that meet the needs of people who use cannabis during pregnancy without increasing stigma,” concluded the researchers in their study.
Sources: EurekAlert, Journal of Studies on Alcohol And Drugs