JUN 19, 2018 7:06 AM PDT

Beach Season Diet and Fitness Tips


Come out, come out, wherever you are. Summer is nearly upon us, and you can’t hide under layers of sweaters and coats anymore. It’s beach season, and some of us might want to up our game in a bathing suit, and many will turn to weight-loss strategies to get into peak form. But what really works? There’s not a lot of time before the first major holiday weekend of the summer, so here are some tips that have a high success rate. While not everyone at the beach needs to be a supermodel or a fitness fanatic, a new season is always a good time to change up some habits. 

Slow down before having seconds. Drink a glass of water and wait a bit, you might not be that hungry. Cut up food into pieces; it makes it look like more and can make each bite more satisfying. Brushing your teeth after a meal is a good idea too, you won’t want to mess them up with snacks. Planning ahead for meals out or business trips helps keep you from falling into the trap of overeating without realizing it. Finally, access. You can’t have that delicious cookie if it’s not in your cabinet, so leave the sweets and chips at the store. These and other tips can keep your diet in check and make your summer more fun.

About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
I'm a writer living in the Boston area. My interests include cancer research, cardiology and neuroscience. I want to be part of using the Internet and social media to educate professionals and patients in a collaborative environment.
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