SEP 24, 2024 5:00 AM PDT

PowerPlex® 35GY Validation on Spectrum CE System


The PowerPlex® 35GY System is an advanced 8-dye STR multiplex designed for human identification. This system amplifies 35 loci, including key CODIS and ESS markers, along with Amelogenin and DYS391 for gender determination. Optimized for use with Spectrum CE System, the PowerPlex® 35GY System enhances forensic DNA typing by accurately analyzing challenging samples while ensuring compatibility with the latest capillary electrophoresis technology from Promega.

Key Features

The PowerPlex® 35GY System targets both autosomal and Y-STR loci, providing increased discrimination for forensic cases. It also includes 10 additional Y-STR loci to assist in familial searches and interpreting sexual assault evidence. Two built-in Quality Indicators—QIS (Quality Indicator Small) and QIL (Quality Indicator Large)—enhance the analysis by differentiating degraded from inhibited samples, particularly valuable for handling degraded DNA.

Spectrum CE System Integration

PowerPlex® 35GY is designed for use on the Spectrum CE System. An advanced capillary electrophoresis instrument, the Spectrum CE System streamlines forensic workflows, improving throughput without sacrificing accuracy. Its flexible design accommodates existing validated workflows for labs currently using 4-, 5-, or 6-dye kits, while supporting next-generation 8-dye technology like PowerPlex® 35GY as well.

Validation Study and Precision Tests

Developmental validation of the PowerPlex® 35GY System was conducted across multiple labs, including collaborations with the FBI, NIST and international forensic agencies. This validation confirmed the system’s strength and reliability in various conditions, such as in the analysis of DNA extracted from difficult samples like blood, bones, and degraded DNA.

Sensitivity tests demonstrated that the PowerPlex® 35GY System reliably detects alleles at DNA concentrations as low as 125 pg. Stability studies revealed strong performance, even in the presence of inhibitors and degraded DNA. Mixed samples were also successfully analyzed, demonstrating the system’s ability to resolve minor contributors in forensic mixtures.

The system consistently delivered precise allele sizing and 100% concordance across tested instruments. A concordance study comparing results with other STR systems found a 99.98% accuracy rate.


The PowerPlex® 35GY System is a powerful tool for forensic laboratories, offering high sensitivity, specificity and precision. In tandem with the Spectrum CE System, its ability to handle various sample types makes it ideal for solving complex forensic cases.


About the Sponsor
With a portfolio of more than 4,000 products covering the fields of genomics, protein analysis and expression, cellular analysis, drug discovery and genetic identity, Promega is a global leader in providing innovative solutions and technical support to life scientists in academic, industrial and government settings. Promega products are used by life...
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