SEP 30, 2015 1:36 PM PDT

How to Make a Dinosaur

WRITTEN BY: Jennifer Ellis
Jurassic Park created a seemingly real portrayal of how we could bring dinosaurs back from extinction. Is this real or just a great movie plot? Here, the steps of how to make a dinosaur are dissected and analyzed. Overall, it would be near impossible to recreate the far away past. However, we might have a chance at reviving ice age creatures, such as the woolly mammoth, given the right conditions. This futuristic experiment could possibly give us a glimpse into the past, and provide insight into climates and conditions extinct animals dealt with.


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About the Author
Master's (MA/MS/Other)
I love all things science and am passionate about bringing science to the public through writing. With an M.S. in Genetics and experience in cancer research, marketing and technical writing, it is a pleasure to share the latest trends and findings in science on LabRoots.
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