JUL 23, 2018 6:57 AM PDT

This is Your Brain on Yoga

Yoga is a great way to keep muscles strong, joints flexible and stress levels low.Many studies tout the benefits of yoga for relieving pain, improving range of motion and keeping the body in shape. It turns out it’s even good for the brain. Not just in a calming way, but in brain function. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University have found that yoga, along with mindful meditation, can actually improve cognition and memory in adults. Those who took yoga classes showed improvement in verbal skills and memory as well as self-directed thinking.

Spending 40 minutes twice a week in a yoga class is the minimum needed to show cognitive improvement, but it’s well worth the time. In addition to being more physically fit, brain function improves regarding memory and well-being. With cases of dementia on the rise and an aging population, the research on yoga and brain health is timely and should be considered as part of an overall fitness plan. 

About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
I'm a writer living in the Boston area. My interests include cancer research, cardiology and neuroscience. I want to be part of using the Internet and social media to educate professionals and patients in a collaborative environment.
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