NOV 26, 2018 1:44 PM PST

How to get rid of jet lag

Have you ever gone on an amazing trip somewhere only to have it totally ruined by jet lag? Jet lag is what we experience when our internal clocks are thrown off and we are no longer able to accurately anticipate dusk and dawn (clearly, our internal clocks haven't evolved to air travel quite yet!). But sleep isn't the only aspect that can get tricky when you have jet lag - your appetite, blood pressure, and even stress levels can also be affected! So how can you beat it? Here are some simple tricks:

1. Prepare your body by consciously manipulating the amount of light you receive (you can even use the cool app called "Entrain"). If you're heading west, try to absorb more daylight than your body is used to and if you're heading east, go inside and get dark earlier!

2. You can also prepare your body in a similar way using a portable light box, through which you can control what time you wake up or go to sleep. 

3. Drink a lot of water. Lower oxygen and dry air on planes can actually make your jet lag a lot worse, so hydrating beforehand can help your body get a step ahead!

4. Adjust your meal schedule a few days prior to leaving so that your body gets used to receiving its nourishment at a normal hour in your new location. 

5. Take appropriate daytime naps - i.e not more than 30 minutes!!!

Want to find out the last trick to beat jet lag? Hint hint, it includes a futuristic jet lag the video!

About the Author
Bachelor's (BA/BS/Other)
Kathryn is a curious world-traveller interested in the intersection between nature, culture, history, and people. She has worked for environmental education non-profits and is a Spanish/English interpreter.
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