JUN 23 - 24 2021

MilliporeSigma's Pharma Analysis & QC days

Our successful June two-day online event that focused on challenges and trends in Pharma Analysis & QC is now available on demand.  


With the pharma value chain rapidly evolving – and with over a year of COVID-19 impact, we felt it was an important time to gather the community working in pharmaceutical analysis and quality control to share knowledge around small and large molecules characterization, method development, analytical and microbial testing, regulations, QC, lab efficiency and innovation. With recent data from a survey done in partnership with the Analytical Scientist, we shared how the community envisions future Pharma analysis & QC trends and the most common challenges faced. The event attracted a diverse and global audience with job functions focused mostly on QC manufacturing, method development, drug discovery, compliance and non-clinical development/formulation. 


You now have access to our four webinars, the pharma analysis & QC resource center, as well as the portfolio booths, centered around discovery & development, microbial testing, analytical chemistry and lab water solutions.  



Day One:  June 23, 2021

Trends, Challenges and Outlook in Analysis & Quality Control
Wayne K. Way, Ph.D.

Future of Robotics & Automation in Quality Control
Marilyn Romieux



Day Two:  June 24, 2021

How the Choice and Use of Reference Materials Can Improve the Quality of Your Analytical Workflow
Nicolas J. Hauser, Ph.D.

Filtration in Dissolution Testing: Improving Throughput and Reducing Variability
Vivek Joshi, Ph.D.


  • Wayne K. Way, Ph.D.

    Pharma Analysis & QC Strategy, MilliporeSigma
  • Marilyn Romieux Vicente

    Strategic Marketing Director - Microbiology Pharma Segment, Merck, Molsheim, France, an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Nicolas J. Hauser, Ph.D.

    Advanced Analytical Technology Specialist, MilliporeSigma
  • Vivek Joshi, Ph.D.

    Senior R&D Manager, Applications Development, MilliporeSigma

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  • Wayne K. Way, Ph.D.

    Wayne K. Way, Ph.D.

    Pharma Analysis & QC Strategy, MilliporeSigma

    BIOGRAPHY Presentation Information
  • Marilyn Romieux Vicente

    Marilyn Romieux Vicente

    Strategic Marketing Director - Microbiology Pharma Segment, Merck, Molsheim, France, an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

    BIOGRAPHY Presentation Information
  • Nicolas J. Hauser, Ph.D.

    Nicolas J. Hauser, Ph.D.

    Advanced Analytical Technology Specialist, MilliporeSigma

    BIOGRAPHY Presentation Information
  • Vivek Joshi, Ph.D.

    Vivek Joshi, Ph.D.

    Senior R&D Manager, Applications Development, MilliporeSigma

    BIOGRAPHY Presentation Information

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